This site is focused around monthly challenges, readings, skills, helpful tips, personal development and advice. It is a relatively new site so the format and such are still basically in production, but I wanted to get the posts out as soon as possible. If you have any suggestions for this site they are more than welcome. Also, don’t hesitate to use the advice or contact section. I am here to answer any questions you might have! May we all live our lives in Sheer Excellence.
Challenge: Discipline
This Month’s Challenge is to cultivate discipline. Discipline decides whether you live the life of your dreams or constantly struggle in mediocrity.
How to be Disciplined
Book: 30 Days To Self-Discipline
For this month I am reading 30 days to self-discipline by Peter Hollins. He has a slough of books on discipline. I decided to start here to better formulate our challenge for this month!
Topic: Jim Rohn
Starting now I am going to reserve the third category of the month for whatever topic I feel is relevant or that I want to talk about. This month I am listening to The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library on audible. This is a collection of Jim Rohn’s lectures and speeches. I am only a bit in and it has already inspired me so I am going to be sharing more about it later this month.
Here’s the audiobook, I recommend using a credit on it.
Challenge: Get Better Sleep
This month is sleepy September and that means it is time for us to catch up on the sleep we have been depriving ourselves of this year.
The challenge is simple. Go to bed at night as soon as you get tired (and are able to). Try to sleep as long as your body needs each morning and wake up naturally without an alarm (when possible). Try to go to sleep around the same time every night and see which time your body usually wakes you up. Creating a consistent sleep schedule does wonders for our sleep quality. Lastly, track what time you went to bed, how long you slept, and how you feel the next day (energy level). This should help you to get an idea of just how much sleep your body actually needs!
That’s it, now get to sleepin’!
How To Get Better Sleep
Book: The Miracle Equation
The book we are going to be reading for the month of September is The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod. Hal Elrod is the author of The Miracle Morning which is a book we previously read and a set of habits I routinely follow.
On the front cover of the book it says “The two decisions that move your biggest goals from possible, to probable, to inevitable.
Unwavering Faith + Extraordinary Effort = Miracles
I am curious to find out what the miracle equation is and hope that this book will prove as useful as The Miracle Morning has proven for my life.
Challenge: Track Your Time
In today’s technological world there are many distractions and way too many ways to waste our time. This is why it is important to take a look at where we are spending all of our time each day. Time is a finite resource. Let’s not waste it.
For the challenge this August we are going to track our time. This means tracking what we we spend our time on each day. Track when you’re eating, working, sleeping, as well as watching tv, on social media, or even just idly sitting. Once we have tracked what we spend our time on for this month we will be able to determine what areas of our life we are wasting time on and change them. That’s all for now. Oh and you can use this app called Toggl or you can track your time on paper or however you want. Just get it done! 😉
P.S. Sorry I haven’t been updating this site much, life has been hectic.
Challenge: Keep Cool
The challenge for July is going to be to keep cool both temperature wise and with your emotions.
How To Stay Cool: Don’t Lose Your Temper
Book: The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People
I recognize that this book is a bit larger, but it is full of awesome information and so I want you to finish it and not skip parts over so take your time and finish it this month.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Challenge: Eat Healthy
Why not stick on the health trip this summer? We’ve been working on those beach bodies and getting into better shape so why not keep it going?
So for this month let’s eat healthier. If that means eating one less meal of fast food a week then that’s fine. Just improve your diet so you can be happier and healthier.
I always like to eat lots of protein, fruit and veggies.
Lastly, it can be helpful to track your food that you eat each day. That way you will see what you are burning vs. what you are eating and adjust it according to your goals (gain or lose weight).
Let’s spend June eating healthy and reaching our ideal body weights!
Eating Healthy
Book: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
This book is by Steven Covey. I don’t know too much about it, but the title kind of gives it away.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about this book so let’s check it out for our June reading.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Challenge: Cardio
Ah yes everyone’s favorite… CARDIO!
It’s almost summer people it’s time to get that beach body ready!
The challenge is simple. Do at least 30 minutes of PLANNED cardio a day. This means taking the extra time to do whatever kind of cardio you would like you could walk (briskly), run, jump rope, dance, or do calistenics.
But this has to be added you can’t just say well I normally walk around the office everyday so I’m doing my cardio. NO that doesn’t work. Add 30 minutes of cardio onto your day and let’s get those summer bodies toned! 8D
Should I Do Cardio?
Book: The Four Agreements
The book we are going to read this month is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
This is a short, simple, and wonderful little book that you might have heard of. Let’s give it a read and see what the four agreements are!
The Four Agreements
Skill: TBD
Life is busy. Sometimes too busy. I’m not sure if I am going to have time for a skill every month. I’ll let you know though.
Challenge: Spring Cleaning
For this month’s challenge we are going to be cleaning and organizing our lives. Research shows that an organized and clean environment does wonders for health and productivity!
The challenge is to clean and organize your environments for 25 minutes a day ( One pomodoro).
Start with your room or work area then progress as needed. Oh and this means getting rid of all of our old junk more than anything. Get rid of all that stuff that just takes up and creates no value for your life! Sell what’s valuable and dump the rest.
How To Clean and Organize Your Life
Book: John Goblikon's Guide To Living Your Best Life
Okay yes this is kind of a joke book. But, it’s April fools day and this looks interesting and relevant (maybe). I’m gonna check it out!
John Goblikon’s Guide To Living Your Best Life
Skill: Humor
Let’s go back to the fact that it’s April first. What better skill to work on this month than humor?
To practice humor I am going to look up 5 jokes a day. I will post the best one here. You should do the same! Feel free to comment your favorite joke that you found.
Joke of the day:
And God said to John, “Come forth and you shall be granted eternal life.” But John came fifth and won a toaster.
How To Be Humorous
Challenge: Watch the sunrise or sunset
This challenge will be easy for some and hard for others. The challenge is simply what it sounds like. Wake up and watch the sunrise. Extra points if it is from your favorite spot or somewhere with a great viewpoint.
If you can’t watch the sunrise then watch the sunset each day.
I personally am going to be trying to watch the sunrise and sunset. I can’t wait to be there at the beginning and end of each day and take in all of the beauty!
Watching The Sun Rise: How It Could Light Up Your Life
Book: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Skill: Plan & Reflect
Since were already going to be trying to be watching the sunrise and or sunset, why not have a skill that we can practice simultaneously.
Were going to work on the skill of planning first off. After you wake up in the morning and when you’re watching the sunrise write down how you expect your day to go. Plan it out. Make sure to put down your hopes and aspirations for the day.
At night or maybe even while you’re watching the sunset reflect on your day. What happened? What went according to plan? What didn’t? What did you learn?
Both of these skills are important in life and should help us to become better at both planning for the future and reflecting on the past.
Plan & Reflect On Your Day
Challenge: Express your love
Tell someone different each day that you love them. Tell them in person or talking on the phone. No texts. Express your love and feel the love we are all capable of.
Express Your Love
Reading: How To Read A Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren.
This month’s reading is How To Read A Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren.
This book should drastically improve our reading skills and have a compounding effect on all of our future readings!
How to read a book
Skill: Be open about your feelings
The skill we are going to practice this month is being more open about our feelings and emotions. Whenever you notice you are feeling an emotion tell the person you are talking to how you are feelings. Honestly. If you are by yourself just say what you are feeling out loud.
Be open about your feelings