2020 Recap

My 2020 experience

Before I talk about how the challenges for this year went I thought I’d talk a bit about how the year went for me as an individual first.

I started the year off fairly determined. I had three major goals. To get to 10% body fat, to get straight A’s in school, and to create a website that was popular/profitable. And I was doing well too. I was losing weight, I got good grades, and I started this website. Then Covid happened. I had to start attending school online and I no longer got to see my classmates, enjoy the beautiful campus I go to, or see my professors in person. I thought the whole online school thing would be cool. It was for about a month and then my routine got thrown off and I got really tired of attending school via zoom. This was not an issue before the fall semester of 2020, where I struggled greatly. The year was crazy with all kinds of negative stuff happening across the world and we weren’t even supposed to leave our house for anything that wasn’t essential. I go to concerts a lot and they all got cancelled I was really bummed about that.

And well with everything I got a bit depressed. Isolation does that. It was a tough year. I managed to create and keep this website going. Although it is not profitable (I haven’t even added ads or any way to make money yet) and while it has some views it is not particularly popular. It’s gaining traction though and I am thankful for everyone that does come by to visit. I did not get to 10% body fat, but I got close. I got good grades, but this last semester I got a B+ in one of my classes so not quite straight A’s.

You could measure this year in two ways. That it has been a total disaster and I failed to reach all of my major goals. Or I could look at it as a challenging year, but one where I learned a lot, practiced being resilient, and did my best despite all of the challenges. I choose to look at the bright side. I am determined to do better next year though and I hope the rest of the world will too! That’s about it for my rant, thanks for listening. By the way I am always here in case you would like some advice or just to talk a bit. Don’t hesitate to send me a message. 🙂


2020 Challenges recap

As for the website and the skills, challenges, and books that I participated in this year I think it was a success. I had a lot of fun trying the different challenges, learning skills, and reading new books. I have gained a lot from it this year. I have also gained some knowledge in website building and writing as a bonus.

I think that for the first half of the year I did really well completing the challenges and readings,  but later I kind of tapered off. Some of the books were long and the challenges difficult. The year and everything happening weighed on me a bit and I wasn’t able to complete everything to the standards I had wanted. The discipline challenge didn’t work well for me and I basically scrapped all of November because I had some personal stuff going on and I felt like crap.

I am determined to make 2021 even better and I hope that I can improve the website and all the challenges for us. I will redouble my efforts to make this website something that I can be proud of and a resource that more people will enjoy and get a lot of benefit out of. Here’s to an awesome year filled with challenges, books, skills, excellence, self-improvement and hopefully loads of fun and prosperity.

Thanks for reading this post. Please subscribe to keep up with challenges and build an excellent life in 2021. It would be awesome if you could share this site with a friend so you can complete the challenges together as well!


Also, I would greatly appreciate any feedback or possible improvements about the site. Don’t hesitate to let me know what you would like to see in the next year!