Beautiful Run spot

April Challenge

The challenge for this month is to get outside, get some exercise and get some sunlight!

Seriously. I’ve been talking to people and seeing it online. They are stuck at home going stir crazy. They have no energy, they don’t feel well, and all they do is worry..

You need to get out of the house people.

And yes you can still practice social distancing while going outside for a walk. Go to a park (that’s not closed), find a trail to walk, or just walk around your block. Just find somewhere out in the fresh air and get some semblance of exercise. A walk being the most obvious option. But, you could also go on a run, climb some stairs, do pushups, sit ups, squats, jumping jacks, anything!

Please just take the time to get out, get some vitamin D from the sun, and sweat a little. You will feel loads better, trust me.

And try to make it a habit, not just something you do while the stay at home order is in place.

I recommend at least 30 minutes of direct sunlight, fresh air, and exercise daily. It will do tons for both your mental and physical health. So get out there and walk people. Bonus points if you can make it into nature and if you refrain from using your phone while on the walk. But, if not that’s okay too.

Good luck on this months challenge. Stay healthy and stay strong people.