Physical Activity in Nature

Benefits of Physical Activity in Nature

If you’re like lots of people either stuck at home right now or you’re just too busy to get outside in and get some physical activity, you’re probably going stir crazy right now!

I know I am.

I can not express the importance enough of getting physical activity while in nature. Especially in hectic times like this when things are difficult. That gives you an even bigger reason to take time for your mental and physical health.

In a study by (Brymer, 2014) it was found being in nature and physical activity in nature have immense benefits for human health. Being out in nature has been shown to:

  • Improve psychological well-being
  • Relive stress
  • Increase positive mood
  • Enhance life skills
  • Reduce mental fatigue
  • Increase concentration
  • Reduce aggression

As you can see the benefits of getting physical activity out in nature are very beneficial and I know we could all use it.

If you’re like me I know it’s hard to get out and do things especially if you’re already feeling down. I get that way sometimes and I just want to sit around and be lazy. But, I promise you, if you get off the couch and go get some exercise in nature or at least under the sun you will feel much better and you will be glad that you did.

I see many people really feeling down in the dumps with everything going on in the world nowadays and one step in the right direction is to get out and get some physical exercise in nature!

That’s why I made it this months challenge after all. You can find the details of the challenge here.


Brymer, E., Davids, K., & Mallabon, L. (2014). Understanding the Psychological Health and Well-Being Benefits of Physical Activity in Nature: An Ecological Dynamics Analysis. Ecopsychology, 6(3), 189-197.