I woke up before dawn for one month. Here’s how it affected me

Wake up early

I thought this would be easy.. I’ve woken up before sunrise for consecutive days many times. For work or whatever else. I didn’t think this would be very challenging at all. I was wrong. The first day it didn’t seem so bad. I woke up before sunrise and drove to a spot with a nice … Read moreI woke up before dawn for one month. Here’s how it affected me

How to Wake Up Early and Win the Day

Let’s face it. Waking up early is hard. Especially if you are not used to it. This post is here to help you overcome the urge to hit the snooze button and wake up early so that you can win the day. Wake up with purpose One of the most important factors when it comes … Read moreHow to Wake Up Early and Win the Day

15 Benefits of Using a Daily Planner

Daily Planner

You’ll boost your productivity One of the most profound effects you will notice from using a daily planner is that you will increase your productivity by a lot. And better yet you’ll be doing more work without even feeling like it. Having a structured day helps us to stay on task and spend less time … Read more15 Benefits of Using a Daily Planner

Benefits of Physical Activity in Nature

Physical Activity in Nature

If you’re like lots of people either stuck at home right now or you’re just too busy to get outside in and get some physical activity, you’re probably going stir crazy right now! I know I am. I can not express the importance enough of getting physical activity while in nature. Especially in hectic times … Read moreBenefits of Physical Activity in Nature

April Challenge

Beautiful Run spot

The challenge for this month is to get outside, get some exercise and get some sunlight! Seriously. I’ve been talking to people and seeing it online. They are stuck at home going stir crazy. They have no energy, they don’t feel well, and all they do is worry.. You need to get out of the … Read moreApril Challenge

Why you shouldn’t complain

For this month the challenge was to stay positive, see the bright side of things, and to not complain. I know this is a hard task in a time like this. Lots and lots of people are suffering, lots of us are quarantined, and others still have to go to work in these dangerous times. … Read moreWhy you shouldn’t complain