Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich is a book by Napoleon Hill. It was written in 1937. It is widely considered one of the most influential self-help books. It discusses the power of thought and the hidden secret to moneymaking. It is steeped in mystery in the sense that the book says “the secret” and does not … Read moreThink and Grow Rich

Watching The Sun Rise: How It Could Light Up Your Life


March 2021 Challenge The challenge for this month is to watch the sunrise and/or to watch the sunset. I am planning to do both. I realize one or the other could be difficult for some people due to commitments they might have during these times, but you should be able to make it to one … Read moreWatching The Sun Rise: How It Could Light Up Your Life

3 Important Tasks

3 Tasks

For our challenge in January 2021 we were tasks at setting our most important tasks each day and getting them done, every single day. Overview I know what you might be thinking. Yeah that’s simple we want to get our most important things done each day, duh. And you might also be thinking that it’s … Read more3 Important Tasks

The Daily Stoic

The Daily Stoic

What is The Daily Stoic? The Daily Stoic is a book written by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman. It is comprised of quotes of the ancient stoics. For each month there is a theme. For each Day there is a quote and for each quote there is an interpretation or explanation written by the authors … Read moreThe Daily Stoic

The Miracle Morning Challenge

The Miracle Morning

Overview For the month of January 2021 the challenge was to do The Miracle Morning every morning. We have read about this book and I have a review of it and everything so I won’t go into too much detail here. To put it shortly, every morning before 8am you are tasked to practice these … Read moreThe Miracle Morning Challenge

Be open about your feelings


The skill we are going to work on for February 2021 is being more open, expressing, and talking about our feelings. This goes hand in hand with the challenge for this month, expressing your love. These are separate things though. Being open about our feelings and talking about them more is not the same thing … Read moreBe open about your feelings

January 2021 Challenges

The Daily Stoic

January 2021 we are going to start reading The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. It is a daily book so you only read one or two pages a day. Each days passage contains a quote and breakdown from one of the ancient stoics. This is a short daily reading, but it lasts all year long. … Read moreJanuary 2021 Challenges