Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich is a book by Napoleon Hill. It was written in 1937. It is widely considered one of the most influential self-help books. It discusses the power of thought and the hidden secret to moneymaking. It is steeped in mystery in the sense that the book says “the secret” and does not … Read moreThink and Grow Rich

I Will Teach You to Be Rich: Review

IWT Review

Overview This book isn’t especially long, but it takes awhile to complete due to the 6-week course that is included in it. You have to do things such as open new bank accounts, investment accounts, credit cards, pay off debt, figure out your spending limits, transfer funds, negotiate lower rates etc etc.  But, outside of … Read moreI Will Teach You to Be Rich: Review

Creating a budget Pt. 2

creating a budget

As you’ve seen from the previous part about creating a budget, First, you need to figure out what you make monthly. Then, figure out what you’re normally spending on each area of your life. The four categories are: Fixed costs Savings  Investing Leisure Once you have those things figured out it’s time to move on … Read moreCreating a budget Pt. 2