Plan & Reflect On Your Day


For the skill in March we are going to work on planning our day at the beginning and reflecting on how everything went at the end of our day. I chose this as the skill to practice this month because it goes well with our challenge. To watch the sunrise and the sunset. Since we … Read morePlan & Reflect On Your Day

Watching The Sun Rise: How It Could Light Up Your Life


March 2021 Challenge The challenge for this month is to watch the sunrise and/or to watch the sunset. I am planning to do both. I realize one or the other could be difficult for some people due to commitments they might have during these times, but you should be able to make it to one … Read moreWatching The Sun Rise: How It Could Light Up Your Life

The Miracle Morning Challenge

The Miracle Morning

Overview For the month of January 2021 the challenge was to do The Miracle Morning every morning. We have read about this book and I have a review of it and everything so I won’t go into too much detail here. To put it shortly, every morning before 8am you are tasked to practice these … Read moreThe Miracle Morning Challenge

The Happiness Trap

The Happiness Trap

Overview The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris was our book for December. This book is all about learning to stop struggling with your thoughts and emotions. It frames how to do this and gives you exercises to help you stop struggling and falling into the happiness trap. This book is based on the ACT model … Read moreThe Happiness Trap

As a Man Thinketh

As a Man Thinketh

Overview As a Man Thinketh by Jame Allen is our book for October. It is a classic essay published in 1903 on thinking. The book describes how each of us shapes the events around us and shape our lives through our cognition’s.   It  is  broken into a few main categories. Thoughts and Character “As … Read moreAs a Man Thinketh

Life is tough, but you’re tougher


Have you ever had one of those days where you just didn’t feel like doing a damn thing? I certainly have and let me just tell you from experience. They suck. But, they only suck if you let the feelings of tiredness or fatigue get the best of you.  On days when things suck there … Read moreLife is tough, but you’re tougher