The Happiness Trap

The Happiness Trap

Overview The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris was our book for December. This book is all about learning to stop struggling with your thoughts and emotions. It frames how to do this and gives you exercises to help you stop struggling and falling into the happiness trap. This book is based on the ACT model … Read moreThe Happiness Trap

December Challenge/Skill Review


Overview The challenge for December 2020 was to practice self-care for a minimum or 30 minutes a day. This could include anything from taking a bubble bath, calling your best friend, watching tv, meditating, or taking a walk outside. Whatever self-care activity benefits your mental health the most that’s what you were supposed to do. … Read moreDecember Challenge/Skill Review

December Challenges

Self Care

December Challenge:Self-Care For this months challenge I thought we would focus on some self-care. The holiday season can be stressful and for some it can be a sad period of time depending on your family situation. For this month I want you to think of one thing that makes you happy and it essential to … Read moreDecember Challenges