How To Leave Bad Habits Behind

Challenge: Quit your bad habits Hello everybody, I’m back yes I know it’s been awhile. Sorry about that. But it’s a new month and a new year so I decided to leave my bad habit of not working on and updating this site behind me. That being said, the challenge for January 2022 is to … Read moreHow To Leave Bad Habits Behind

3 Important Tasks

3 Tasks

For our challenge in January 2021 we were tasks at setting our most important tasks each day and getting them done, every single day. Overview I know what you might be thinking. Yeah that’s simple we want to get our most important things done each day, duh. And you might also be thinking that it’s … Read more3 Important Tasks

The Miracle Morning Challenge

The Miracle Morning

Overview For the month of January 2021 the challenge was to do The Miracle Morning every morning. We have read about this book and I have a review of it and everything so I won’t go into too much detail here. To put it shortly, every morning before 8am you are tasked to practice these … Read moreThe Miracle Morning Challenge

January 2021 Challenges

The Daily Stoic

January 2021 we are going to start reading The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. It is a daily book so you only read one or two pages a day. Each days passage contains a quote and breakdown from one of the ancient stoics. This is a short daily reading, but it lasts all year long. … Read moreJanuary 2021 Challenges

January Challenge Update

For my new year’s resolution and this months challenge I wanted to start a journaling habit to write in it every day. Even if it’s just one line a day it’s still a step in the right direction. You can use journaling to reflect on your day, focus your day, write down your accomplishments, what … Read moreJanuary Challenge Update


The book I read this month is Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. A private journal from the greatest Roman empire. A stoic. I enjoyed the book a lot. It’s main points were: 1. Live by the four Cardinal virtues wisdom, morality, courage, and moderation. 2. Do not worry of things you have no or full control … Read moreMeditations