Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich is a book by Napoleon Hill. It was written in 1937. It is widely considered one of the most influential self-help books. It discusses the power of thought and the hidden secret to moneymaking. It is steeped in mystery in the sense that the book says “the secret” and does not … Read moreThink and Grow Rich

Plan & Reflect On Your Day


For the skill in March we are going to work on planning our day at the beginning and reflecting on how everything went at the end of our day. I chose this as the skill to practice this month because it goes well with our challenge. To watch the sunrise and the sunset. Since we … Read morePlan & Reflect On Your Day

Watching The Sun Rise: How It Could Light Up Your Life


March 2021 Challenge The challenge for this month is to watch the sunrise and/or to watch the sunset. I am planning to do both. I realize one or the other could be difficult for some people due to commitments they might have during these times, but you should be able to make it to one … Read moreWatching The Sun Rise: How It Could Light Up Your Life

Why you shouldn’t complain

For this month the challenge was to stay positive, see the bright side of things, and to not complain. I know this is a hard task in a time like this. Lots and lots of people are suffering, lots of us are quarantined, and others still have to go to work in these dangerous times. … Read moreWhy you shouldn’t complain

The Pomodoro Technique

Time management is something everyone struggles with from time to time. It is so easy to get distracted nowadays with all of our electronics and other sources of distraction. But, to live a life full of excellence we must do our best to limit distractions and optimize productivity. If not only to get our work … Read moreThe Pomodoro Technique