The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Overview This book is one with a lot of supporters. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. I’ve even heard it being referenced in my own professional life. So, I thought it was about time I check it out. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey is a book about.. … Read moreThe Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

John Goblikon’s Guide To Living Your Best Life

John Goblikons guide to living your best life

For April the book I’ve decided to read is John Goblikon’s Guide To Living Your Best Life. This is kind of a joke book, but I assigned it on April Fool’s Day so why not? This should be a fun read. First impressions John Goblikon is the mascot for an American metal band called Nekrogoblikon. … Read moreJohn Goblikon’s Guide To Living Your Best Life

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich is a book by Napoleon Hill. It was written in 1937. It is widely considered one of the most influential self-help books. It discusses the power of thought and the hidden secret to moneymaking. It is steeped in mystery in the sense that the book says “the secret” and does not … Read moreThink and Grow Rich

The Daily Stoic

The Daily Stoic

What is The Daily Stoic? The Daily Stoic is a book written by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman. It is comprised of quotes of the ancient stoics. For each month there is a theme. For each Day there is a quote and for each quote there is an interpretation or explanation written by the authors … Read moreThe Daily Stoic

The Happiness Trap

The Happiness Trap

Overview The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris was our book for December. This book is all about learning to stop struggling with your thoughts and emotions. It frames how to do this and gives you exercises to help you stop struggling and falling into the happiness trap. This book is based on the ACT model … Read moreThe Happiness Trap

As a Man Thinketh

As a Man Thinketh

Overview As a Man Thinketh by Jame Allen is our book for October. It is a classic essay published in 1903 on thinking. The book describes how each of us shapes the events around us and shape our lives through our cognition’s.   It  is  broken into a few main categories. Thoughts and Character “As … Read moreAs a Man Thinketh

December Challenges

Self Care

December Challenge:Self-Care For this months challenge I thought we would focus on some self-care. The holiday season can be stressful and for some it can be a sad period of time depending on your family situation. For this month I want you to think of one thing that makes you happy and it essential to … Read moreDecember Challenges