The Daily Stoic

The Daily Stoic

What is The Daily Stoic? The Daily Stoic is a book written by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman. It is comprised of quotes of the ancient stoics. For each month there is a theme. For each Day there is a quote and for each quote there is an interpretation or explanation written by the authors … Read moreThe Daily Stoic

The Happiness Trap

The Happiness Trap

Overview The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris was our book for December. This book is all about learning to stop struggling with your thoughts and emotions. It frames how to do this and gives you exercises to help you stop struggling and falling into the happiness trap. This book is based on the ACT model … Read moreThe Happiness Trap

As a Man Thinketh

As a Man Thinketh

Overview As a Man Thinketh by Jame Allen is our book for October. It is a classic essay published in 1903 on thinking. The book describes how each of us shapes the events around us and shape our lives through our cognition’s.   It  is  broken into a few main categories. Thoughts and Character “As … Read moreAs a Man Thinketh

“Chop wood, carry water”

"Chop wood, carry water"

This quote, “chop wood, carry water” comes from Buddhist philosophy I believe, but people aren’t sure who originally said this quote so I can’t attribute it to anyone.  Now that were past that I would like to tell you what this statement means to me.  Why I originally heard this statement from a podcast or … Read more“Chop wood, carry water”

Learning a new language: Review

Learning a new language: review

As I’ve said before, learning a new language is hard, very hard, but if you go about it in the correct matter it doesn’t have to be so hard. In fact, I’ve found that my daily language learning lessons are quite fun. Especially, when you can tell that you’re getting better and learning new things.  … Read moreLearning a new language: Review

Life is tough, but you’re tougher


Have you ever had one of those days where you just didn’t feel like doing a damn thing? I certainly have and let me just tell you from experience. They suck. But, they only suck if you let the feelings of tiredness or fatigue get the best of you.  On days when things suck there … Read moreLife is tough, but you’re tougher

“The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.”

This is a quote by Marcus Aurelius. If you don’t know who he is, Marcus Aurelius was once of the most powerful men ever in history. He was the emperor of Rome at the height of it’s power. What makes him so special is that by all accounts he was a great man and a … Read more“The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.”

I Refuse to Settle For a Life Lived in Mediocrity

I refuse to settle for a life lived in mediocrity

Do you want to become someone excellent? If so, can you live by this philosophy?    This is an original quote To the best of my knowledge I came up with this quote on my own. I even did a google search and didn’t find any quotes of anyone saying this. There are similar things, … Read moreI Refuse to Settle For a Life Lived in Mediocrity

Prepare for Success

Success: Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

A quote by Bobby Unser “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet” – Bobby Unser. Success is something seemingly everybody wishes to achieve. But, how does one truly achieve success? Well that’s objective, success is in the eye of the beholder. This isn’t the question I’m here to answer today anyway. There are so many … Read morePrepare for Success