Plan & Reflect On Your Day


For the skill in March we are going to work on planning our day at the beginning and reflecting on how everything went at the end of our day. I chose this as the skill to practice this month because it goes well with our challenge. To watch the sunrise and the sunset. Since we … Read morePlan & Reflect On Your Day

3 Important Tasks

3 Tasks

For our challenge in January 2021 we were tasks at setting our most important tasks each day and getting them done, every single day. Overview I know what you might be thinking. Yeah that’s simple we want to get our most important things done each day, duh. And you might also be thinking that it’s … Read more3 Important Tasks

Be open about your feelings


The skill we are going to work on for February 2021 is being more open, expressing, and talking about our feelings. This goes hand in hand with the challenge for this month, expressing your love. These are separate things though. Being open about our feelings and talking about them more is not the same thing … Read moreBe open about your feelings

December Challenge/Skill Review


Overview The challenge for December 2020 was to practice self-care for a minimum or 30 minutes a day. This could include anything from taking a bubble bath, calling your best friend, watching tv, meditating, or taking a walk outside. Whatever self-care activity benefits your mental health the most that’s what you were supposed to do. … Read moreDecember Challenge/Skill Review

January 2021 Challenges

The Daily Stoic

January 2021 we are going to start reading The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. It is a daily book so you only read one or two pages a day. Each days passage contains a quote and breakdown from one of the ancient stoics. This is a short daily reading, but it lasts all year long. … Read moreJanuary 2021 Challenges

Sober October / Squatober Review


Sober October First I’ll talk about Sober October. This challenge was not created by me, but by Joe Rogan I believe. It is something he participates in and I decided to do it too. For Sober October I did not only abstain from alcohol for a month, but I also did not use any drugs … Read moreSober October / Squatober Review

December Challenges

Self Care

December Challenge:Self-Care For this months challenge I thought we would focus on some self-care. The holiday season can be stressful and for some it can be a sad period of time depending on your family situation. For this month I want you to think of one thing that makes you happy and it essential to … Read moreDecember Challenges

September Challenge / Skill Review


Just the fact that I am completing this post so much after September should give you a clue about how I did with this challenge and skill. Challenge / Skill Overview The challenge for this month was to not eat candy or sweets and not to drink soda. I did pretty good on the part … Read moreSeptember Challenge / Skill Review

September Skill: Discipline


The skill to focus on for the month of September is discipline. An immensely important life changing skill. That is hard to come by. How many of us make horrible mistakes, don’t have the body we want, don’t study hard enough for the test, spend too much money, and regret impulsive actions we take? I … Read moreSeptember Skill: Discipline