December Challenge/Skill Review


Overview The challenge for December 2020 was to practice self-care for a minimum or 30 minutes a day. This could include anything from taking a bubble bath, calling your best friend, watching tv, meditating, or taking a walk outside. Whatever self-care activity benefits your mental health the most that’s what you were supposed to do. … Read moreDecember Challenge/Skill Review

January 2021 Challenges

The Daily Stoic

January 2021 we are going to start reading The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday. It is a daily book so you only read one or two pages a day. Each days passage contains a quote and breakdown from one of the ancient stoics. This is a short daily reading, but it lasts all year long. … Read moreJanuary 2021 Challenges

Sober October / Squatober Review


Sober October First I’ll talk about Sober October. This challenge was not created by me, but by Joe Rogan I believe. It is something he participates in and I decided to do it too. For Sober October I did not only abstain from alcohol for a month, but I also did not use any drugs … Read moreSober October / Squatober Review

September Challenge / Skill Review


Just the fact that I am completing this post so much after September should give you a clue about how I did with this challenge and skill. Challenge / Skill Overview The challenge for this month was to not eat candy or sweets and not to drink soda. I did pretty good on the part … Read moreSeptember Challenge / Skill Review

September Skill: Discipline


The skill to focus on for the month of September is discipline. An immensely important life changing skill. That is hard to come by. How many of us make horrible mistakes, don’t have the body we want, don’t study hard enough for the test, spend too much money, and regret impulsive actions we take? I … Read moreSeptember Skill: Discipline

Learning a new language: Review

Learning a new language: review

As I’ve said before, learning a new language is hard, very hard, but if you go about it in the correct matter it doesn’t have to be so hard. In fact, I’ve found that my daily language learning lessons are quite fun. Especially, when you can tell that you’re getting better and learning new things.  … Read moreLearning a new language: Review

Improve your journaling skills


The practice of journaling is vastly important. Journaling helps us stay on track, remember things, practice gratitude, organize ourselves, keep notes, express our feelings, get thought & ideas out of our heads and much more. Many of the world’s most successful and influential of people practice journaling. People have been journaling for a long, long … Read moreImprove your journaling skills

Is meditation for you?

Should I meditate?

Are you someone that thinks meditation is dumb? That it is a waste of time?  If you’re like me you probably know scores of people who are totally closed off to the idea of meditation. They say things like:  Meditation doesn’t work It’s for hippies or yoga weirdos I don’t need to meditate  It’s dumb … Read moreIs meditation for you?

Learning How to Learn Review

Learning how to learn

First of all I just want to say thank you to the creators and publishers of this course. Not only was it a great course in which I learned a lot about more efficient ways to learn, but thank you for making the course free as well. Review of the course I liked this course. … Read moreLearning How to Learn Review