John Goblikon’s Guide To Living Your Best Life

John Goblikons guide to living your best life

For April the book I’ve decided to read is John Goblikon’s Guide To Living Your Best Life. This is kind of a joke book, but I assigned it on April Fool’s Day so why not? This should be a fun read. First impressions John Goblikon is the mascot for an American metal band called Nekrogoblikon. … Read moreJohn Goblikon’s Guide To Living Your Best Life

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich is a book by Napoleon Hill. It was written in 1937. It is widely considered one of the most influential self-help books. It discusses the power of thought and the hidden secret to moneymaking. It is steeped in mystery in the sense that the book says “the secret” and does not … Read moreThink and Grow Rich

Plan & Reflect On Your Day


For the skill in March we are going to work on planning our day at the beginning and reflecting on how everything went at the end of our day. I chose this as the skill to practice this month because it goes well with our challenge. To watch the sunrise and the sunset. Since we … Read morePlan & Reflect On Your Day

3 Important Tasks

3 Tasks

For our challenge in January 2021 we were tasks at setting our most important tasks each day and getting them done, every single day. Overview I know what you might be thinking. Yeah that’s simple we want to get our most important things done each day, duh. And you might also be thinking that it’s … Read more3 Important Tasks

September Skill: Discipline


The skill to focus on for the month of September is discipline. An immensely important life changing skill. That is hard to come by. How many of us make horrible mistakes, don’t have the body we want, don’t study hard enough for the test, spend too much money, and regret impulsive actions we take? I … Read moreSeptember Skill: Discipline

Improve your journaling skills


The practice of journaling is vastly important. Journaling helps us stay on track, remember things, practice gratitude, organize ourselves, keep notes, express our feelings, get thought & ideas out of our heads and much more. Many of the world’s most successful and influential of people practice journaling. People have been journaling for a long, long … Read moreImprove your journaling skills

Creating a budget Pt. 2

creating a budget

As you’ve seen from the previous part about creating a budget, First, you need to figure out what you make monthly. Then, figure out what you’re normally spending on each area of your life. The four categories are: Fixed costs Savings  Investing Leisure Once you have those things figured out it’s time to move on … Read moreCreating a budget Pt. 2

How to Win Friends and Influence People: Review

How to win friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Whew, I finally finished this book. It wouldn’t have taken me so long, but I’ve been working long hours and the author specifically requests that you read each chapter twice and take notes. So it took longer than usual. But, by no means am I saying I am glad that I no longer have to … Read moreHow to Win Friends and Influence People: Review

I Refuse to Settle For a Life Lived in Mediocrity

I refuse to settle for a life lived in mediocrity

Do you want to become someone excellent? If so, can you live by this philosophy?    This is an original quote To the best of my knowledge I came up with this quote on my own. I even did a google search and didn’t find any quotes of anyone saying this. There are similar things, … Read moreI Refuse to Settle For a Life Lived in Mediocrity