
December Challenge/Skill Review


The challenge for December 2020 was to practice self-care for a minimum or 30 minutes a day. This could include anything from taking a bubble bath, calling your best friend, watching tv, meditating, or taking a walk outside. Whatever self-care activity benefits your mental health the most that’s what you were supposed to do. I decided to listen to a minimum of 30 minutes of music every day.

The skill for December 2020 was noticing our thoughts and feelings. Multiple times a day we were tasked to stop and tell yourself what you were noticing about your thoughts and feelings. For example I could say to myself, “I am noticing that am feeling very stressed right now” or “I am noticing that I am thinking I am worthless for not accomplishing anything today” The purpose for this skill-up was to help us notice our thoughts and feelings and to realize that they are just thoughts or feelings. They are not necessarily the truth and they are not us. We can notice them, but we do not have to let them control us.


I enjoyed the challenge for December. I found it quite easy to listen to 30 minutes a day. On average I listen to many hours a day, but sometimes I get busy and don’t listen to any at all. So I think it was important to remind myself to take care of myself everyday and to de stress with a little music every single day. I hope you found it useful for yourself as well. Leave a comment about what you did for self-care in December.

The skill for December was a bit more challenging. I found it hard to remember to notice my thoughts and feelings every single day. It helped that the book we were reading for this month reminded us to do it, but I think I could have been more consistent with it. Noticing my thoughts and feelings was helpful to me and helped me to disconnect from them. Just because an emotion or a thought comes up does not mean that it is true and I also realized that emotions come and go. Struggling with them is not effective. It is better to just notice them and then let them stay or go on their own time. How was your experience trying to notice your thoughts and feelings? Did you find it helpful?

I hope you enjoyed the skills and challenges in December. I plan on having an even better 2021 with many new challenges and personal growth! If you want to see more post’s like these don’t hesitate to click the subscribe button at the bottom! 🙂

Here’s the challenges for January 2021