Self Care

December Challenges

December Challenge:

Self Care

For this months challenge I thought we would focus on some self-care. The holiday season can be stressful and for some it can be a sad period of time depending on your family situation.

For this month I want you to think of one thing that makes you happy and it essential to your mental health.

Once you have decided what it is I want you to practice whatever self-care you chose for a minimum of 30 minutes a day.

If running keeps you sane and makes you feel better run for 30 minutes a day. If it is meditation, reading, calling a friend, playing video games, or taking bubble baths I want you to set aside 30 minutes a day for it and practice self-care. This is guilt free time to recharge.

This will be more effective if you choose something you don’t usually get to do everyday. So for example if you like to relax and watch tv, but you already do it for a couple hours a day. Pick something else you think will be beneficial to you and do that.

The self-care I have decided to do every day in the month of December is listening to music. Music is extremely important to me and has a tremendous power to improve my mood. I will make sure to listen to music for at least 30 minutes every day this month.

December Reading:
The Happiness Trap

The Happiness Trap

For this month I think it will be beneficial to work on a bit of emotional regulation and mindset. That is why for this month I have chosen to read The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris. “This book is a guide to ACT: the mindfulness-based program for reducing stress, overcoming fear, and creating a rich and meaningful life.”

I am excited to read this book and get a better hold of emotions and what truly makes me happy. I hope you’ll enjoy it too.

December Skill:
Notice your thoughts and feelings

This months skill is going to be based around our reading and challenge. For this month I want you to notice whenever you are feeling overwhelming thoughts or emotions. Notice the feeling, name it, notice how it feels in your body, what your mind is telling you, and notice whether you are struggling with the feeling. That is, trying to make it go away.

Instead of struggling with your thoughts and feelings I want you to embrace them, make space for them, and let them stay or go at their own leisure.

This should help us to get a better hold of our thoughts and feelings and stop them from having as much power over us.

For this month I want you to notice an overwhelming thought or feeling each day and truly experience it. Write about it if you choose, as long as you are making the cognitive effort to acknowledge it and give it space.

Thanks for reading. I hope you will enjoy this month’s challenges. If you’re like me you’ll need them for your own mental health!

Don’t forget to like and all that if you enjoyed the post or the website. Thank you.

You can find the review for the challenges and skill in December here.