Express your love

Express Your Love

Express your love

The challenge we are going to be doing for February is to Express Your Love. Each day I want you to talk to someone and tell them that you love them. Do this is person or if you have to do it on the phone. Do this with a different person every day. Don’t just tell your husband or wife you love them every day. No. That doesn’t count. You should be doing that already.

Find someone you love each day, visit them or call them up, have a quick chat and express your gratitude towards them. Tell them you are happy that they are in your life and that you love them. This world needs more love and people need more love. It is not healthy for us to suppress our feelings of love and gratitude towards others.

I know what you might be thinking. Some people don’t have 28 people that they love. It doesn’t have to be romantic love, it can be love for your distant family, friends, it could be love for your pets or even love for a sunset. Find something that you are grateful to have in your life and tell them or it that you love them. Let the love flow through your body, not just towards them, but from them as well.

I know this will be hard for some people who do not like to express their emotions, but it is a challenge for a reason. You can do this and you will be better for it in the end. So put away your fears and tell someone you love them today, express your appreciation for them.

Extra points for having a long conversation with them, extra points for doing it in person. Talking on the phone is okay. Text doesn’t count. If you want to write a letter that’s acceptable, but make it personal and heartfelt. Also, Don’t cop out and just tell inanimate objects or pets or the sunset that you love them. Make sure to tell all of the human beings that you love and care for that you love them first. Then move on towards other things in your life that you love.

You can do this. Be open. Express your feelings. Feel the love. Spread the love. The world will be a better place for it.

I love that you took the time to read this blog post and wish you the best on your loving journey.

My Experience

I enjoyed this challenge. It was difficult at times and a bit nerve wracking. Especially when I found myself planning to call up a friend or family member I never really call, and then to tell them I love them was even worse. I realized that I had friends and family that I had never told I loved them. It felt quite unnatural to randomly call them up and tell them I loved them. I looked for reasons to call them and hoped that I would just see them organically. For the most part people did randomly show up in person this month so I told them I loved them then, it was either fate or luck in that sense.

I was given mixed reactions from people whenever I told them I loved them.

Some people just seemed to brush it off, some looked surprised that I told them I loved them, one person even said, “whatever.” One friend seemed uncomfortable with it and said, “we’ll work on that”, fortunately most of my friends and family said it back and seemed to appreciate me telling them that I loved them.

I could feel the love flowing both from me, and to me. My original feelings about this challenge were that it would be weird and awkward, but now I am glad that I did it. Each day that we are granted is a blessing and it is important to tell the people we care about that we love them! You never know of the immense difference  it could have on someone’s life and all it takes is three little words!


This challenge was both meaningful on a personal level and on a spiritual level. By completing this challenge you will have more love for yourself, for those around you, and also for life in general. Your love for those close to you and for other matter, such as sunsets or streams will be more easily defined. You will be free to express your love to them and in turn you will feel love coming from them towards you as well.

This challenge is for anyone that has not been expressing their love for people in their life and also for anyone who would like to improve their relationships both with people and with the world. Everyone should give this challenge a try and implement it into their life. It will help you out of your comfort zone and stretch your capacity to love!

I am going to start doing a rating system for each challenge. I will define them below. The rating scale will go from 0-10.

Difficulty 7.5/10 – This challenge was difficult in the sense that it felt awkward at times and will be outside of a lot peoples comfort zones.

The difficulty rating shows how hard it is to complete a challenge with a higher number meaning the it was more difficult.

Effectiveness 8/10 – This challenge was effective in making me be more aware of my love for others, although it was not always met with reciprocal love. I did feel more loved in general.

The effectiveness rating measures whether or not the challenge accomplished what it set out to accomplish. With a higher number meaning that the challenge met or exceeded expectations.

Impact 9/10 – This challenge will change your relationships with those around you and with the world. You feel more loved and your relationships with other people and objects will flourish.

The impact rating measures how life changing the challenge is. A higher rating means that following through with this challenge will have a positive affect on your life.

Sustainability 10/10 – Expressing your love is completely sustainable. You can easily do this every day for the rest of your life.

The sustainability rating measures how feasible and practical it would be to continue doing this habit or change for the rest of your life.

Overall 8.5/10 – This challenge is highly rated due to it being a relatively easy change that brings amazing benefits to your life and to those around you. Everyone should make a constant practice of expressing their love!

I hope you like the new rating system. I am hoping that it will provide quick information about whether you should something or not. Let me know what you think in the comments section! And please if you could like, share, and subscribe I would love that so I can grow this website and help more people on the path towards Excellence!

Check out last month’s challenge below

The Miracle Morning Challenge