Getting rid of bad habits

Get rid of bad habits: Review

The challenge for this month was to get rid of one of your bad habits. That could mean anything from quitting smoking to no longer eating fast food for lunch every day. I hope this challenge went well for you, it worked splendidly for me. 

My 30 day habit change

The bad habit I decided to eliminate for this 30 day span was biting my finger nails. A nasty and unsanitary habit that always left my nails too short as well as making them unsightly. 

Well, I was able to complete the challenge as I did not bite my finger nails off once during the whole month of June. To show proof of this as well as to make the habit harder I did not clip my nails for this whole month either. The most annoying thing about this was that I always got dirt under my nails and it also made playing the piano more difficult because my nails would make my fingers slip off the keys. 


The closest I got to failing would have been during the first couple days I caught myself putting my nails to my mouth, but I never actually bit them off. It became easier to refrain from this the longer I kept the habit at bay. 

I am proud of myself for having bit this habit and no longer biting my nails. Now if you”ll excuse me I am going to go clip my nails. 

How did this habit change go for you?

I hope that you were able to quit a bad habit during this time frame as well. If you weren’t keep trying you’ll get it. If you need any help just reach out to me. 

If you find that you are still struggling with your habit change keep going and don’t revert back to your old ways. It will get easier with time and remember to treat yourself to some sort of prize once you have kicked the habit for good. 

Don’t stop there keep eliminating your bad habits one at a time until you have complete control over your habits and your life. With each step in the right direction you will get closer to excellence and living a happy and fulfilled life. Free of your bad habits that create problems for you.

For additional resources regarding habit change you can check here

You can also check my previous post about the challenge for more information about how to get rid of bad habits.

If you enjoyed this challenge don’t forget to like this post, follow me on socials, subscribe to my blog, and most importantly comment about your experience with habit change. 

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