Funny Frog

How To Be Humorous

Maybe it is a bit too much to call this a “How To” and all, but I’m going with it. At the very least we are going to be practicing the skill of humor.

I will go ahead and say that I am not an expert at humor myself so I am going to be learning and practicing along with you, as always.

How to practice

For the first part of this post I’m going to go over what ways you can practice real quick before I talk more about humor.

The first thing I am going to be trying to do to practice humor is to look up 5 jokes a day. I will be posting my favorite of the day on the homepage of this site. You should look up 5 a day too and comment your favorites on this post!

The other thing I am going to do is to take this free humor course I found.It says the estimated time is 2-4 hours so that’s not too bad spread over the rest of the month. I’ll give it a try and let you all know how it was once I finish. You are welcome to try it along with me.

Lastly, you can do some other things like watch a comedy special or even just thinking of your funniest friend and analyzing what they do to be humorous.

Overall, I would say don’t take yourself, others, and life so seriously all the time. Life is absurd and it’s much more joyful when we have a good sense of humor about things and don’t get offended so easily.

That’s it for now. I thought about trying to define humor, but you probably wouldn’t get it.

Check back later for my review on practicing the skill of humor and my review of the humor course. Also, don’t forget to see my joke of the day on the homepage!

You can check out last month’s skill here

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