Clean and organized

How To Clean and Organize Your Life

For this month’s challenge we are going to be doing some spring cleaning! Before you unsubscribe and leave click off this page hear me out. I don’t mean just dusting and cleaning every little thing about your house. More than that I mean organizing your things and getting rid of all the junk in your life. That way you will have more space and a cleaner environment in which you can be more productive. The kicker of this is that it will require dramatically less work for you in the future, thus for the betterment of your life!

Where to get started

  1. First off, I am not telling you that you have to clean every inch of your house right now. It is much more effective to work at tasks a little bit each day. Over time this prevents burnout and will end up getting a lot more done with less effort and pain on your part. Here’s the quick guidelines:
  2. Pick the area that would benefit your life the most once it is cleaned and organized
  3. Get yourself a big trash bag and put on your favorite music
  4. Spend 25 minutes cleaning a certain area of your choosing
    • Throw away all trash and anything that just lays around. If you haven’t used it recently and it doesn’t bring you happiness, toss it
    • Anything valuable you can sell or give away
    • DO NOT KEEP UNNECESSARY POSSESSIONS, if you haven’t used it in years get rid of it!
    • Organize the space once you’re done
  5. Once time is up stop for the day. Once an area is clean move to the next most important area
  6. Now, once you are done with everything you can sell the valuables you not longer need or give them away
    • It’s important not to have anything in your life that just takes up space and mental energy
  7.  Finally, and this is important. Do not buy anything that is not necessary in your life and will not bring you joy
    • This way you will never have the problem of a cluttered life again (This will save you money too 🙂

Seriously try this. I know cleaning can be a drag, but once you get into it you will find that it is not that bad. The benefits will be huge. You will be saving yourself so much mental energy not having to worry about all the junk that is piling up.

Give this a try at least this month and see how it goes for you. I am going to do it at least a month, but might continue if there’s still things to organize…


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As much as I don’t like cleaning, I found that this challenge was not too bad. Once I would start cleaning I got into a kind of flow state and it was somewhat therapeutic to clean. It is always nice to have a clean living space. Some days I didn’t really feel like cleaning and it was more difficult, but overall it was nice to clean things up and get rid of a lot of the junk I no longer need. 

I found it to be much easier to be productive and just felt better about things when my work space was clean and organized. As if everything was as it should be. It felt good.  One thing about this challenge I wasn’t so successful at was trying to sell some of the more valuable things I no longer need. I still have a stack of old video games and books from school. I just never really brought myself to post them all on email because it was such a hassle. The ones I did post nobody showed any interest in. I guess that makes sense since the thing I am selling are kind of outdated now.

I would recommend this challenge to anyone that feels like their life is a bit cluttered and hectic. Cleaning up and organizing your space can drastically improve your productivity!

Difficulty: 8/10 – Cleaning and organizing can be a bit difficult, especially if there is a lot to clean. Selling junk isn’t a cake walk either. 

Effectiveness: 9/10- Cleaning up your environment does wonders for your productivity, mood, and efficiency. 

Impact: 8/10 – Cleaning up your space and getting rid of junk will have a huge impact on those who’s lives and spaces are a bit hectic. This will have less impact for people who are already neat and organized. 

Sustainability: 9/10 – This habit is extremely sustainable. Cleaning up your area is a practice you can do everyday, it just won’t take as long once your areas are mostly neat. 

Overall: 9.5/10 – I would rate this challenge of great importance for most people. The messier you are the more important it is for you to clean and organize your life. You will see huge benefits!


You can check out last month’s challenge below

Watching The Sun Rise: How It Could Light Up Your Life