How To Leave Bad Habits Behind

Challenge: Quit your bad habits

Hello everybody, I’m back yes I know it’s been awhile. Sorry about that. But it’s a new month and a new year so I decided to leave my bad habit of not working on and updating this site behind me. That being said, the challenge for January 2022 is to quit your bad habits.

Now I know this is a big task. To quit all of your bad habits willy nilly / cold turkey, but for this month I would like for you to take the leap of faith with me and try. I’ll explain things shortly.


Okay well now I’m sure you’re wondering how you’re supposed to just quit all of your bad habits. Well first of all lets just start by practicing abstinence. Just quit doing, buying, consuming, or speaking about whatever your bad habit is. Here’s some examples:

  • Smoking – Quit buying smokes and throw away what you have
  • Eating junk food – Stop buying junk food, throw it away
  • Cussing – Do something painful each time you cuss so you are less likely to do it, e.g. soap or hot sauce
  • Chewing your nails – Same ^
  • Spending money on non-essentials – Lock those cards up, transfer money from checking to saving,
  • Sleeping in – Cold showers if you sleep past your alarm
  • Watching porn – Get rid of all porn you have and whenever you feel the urge to watch porn,  go jump rope
  • Chewing Tobacco – Snack on healthy vegetables and sip water instead
These are just a few examples, but you get the gist of how to quit these bad habits, I’ll lay out the steps next.
  1. Write down or announce your intention to quit this bad habit
  2. Make the habit harder to do by getting rid of it or anything that reminds you of it, create barriers to doing it
  3. Distract yourself whenever you find yourself thinking about the habit
  4. Find a healthy alternative for the bad habit
  5. Punish yourself whenever you catch yourself doing the bad habit
  6. Set goals around quitting your bad habit
  7. Get an accountability partner to help you quit your habit
  8. Reward yourself once you have finally quit your bad habit or smaller rewards for not having done it for shorter time periods
 There you have it now you are ready to quit all your bad habits! Okay maybe not all…, but it would be great if you did. At least pick out 3 that you will try your best to quit this month. It might be hard, but it will be well worth it!

My bad habits

I have some bad habits as well and they generally get a lot worse once I start to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Once that happens things begin to spiral and it isn’t pretty. But, I am going to try my very hardest to give up 7 habits this month! I can’t imagine how much better my life is going to be if I manage to actually quit most of them! Here are my bad habits I am trying to quit. (They’re not glamorous, so I’m going out on a limb by sharing them with you).

  1. Drinking alcohol
  2. Chewing tobacco
  3. Eating junk food
  4. Sleeping in
  5. Biting my nails (yes, I know I did this before, but the habit came back 🙁 )
  6. Procrastinating (which includes not working on this site, doing schoolwork, chores, etc.)
  7. Watching Porn
Wish me luck everyone. I know that many of these habits are hard to quit individually, but I’ve got the power of the new year on my side, I can do this !

Good luck to everyone trying to quit their own bad habits. If you set New Years resolutions good luck on those too and Happy New Year!

Thanks for visiting the site. Don’t forget to share, like, comment, subscribe, and come back later to see how the challenge went for me.