How to Wake Up Early and Win the Day

Let’s face it. Waking up early is hard. Especially if you are not used to it. This post is here to help you overcome the urge to hit the snooze button and wake up early so that you can win the day.

Wake up with purpose

One of the most important factors when it comes to waking up early actually has to do with having a reason to wake up. I know personally that when it comes to waking up for work or for school it is much easier than waking up without purpose.

That way you have a deadline to hit. You can’t hit the snooze button because there are consequences if you do. Set a purpose the night before why you want to wake up early. Tell yourself in the morning I want to wake up, go for a nice walk and be up on the hill before the sun rises. That way you have set yourself a deadline. One that you’ll miss if you hit that snooze button.


Set your alarm across the room

If your alarm is right next to your bed you will end up hitting snooze without even realizing it. If you have to get up to turn it off then chances are you’re not sleepwalking. You’re actually out of bed getting your blood flowing. Making it easier for you to stay awake. I like to have my phone set with a quiet alarm near me and set a loud alarm across the room for a minute or two later. That way I know that if I don’t get up and turn it off before then I am going to get a rude awakening. I have the added bonus of not wanting to anger anyone is the house with the alarm so I definitely make sure to quickly get out of bed and turn it off.

Prepare for your day the night before

Set your clothes out, set a glass of water nearby, and get that coffee maker set so you’ll already be smelling fresh coffee when you wake up. This makes your morning routine easier and also gives your body cues that it’s time to wake up.

Set a constant schedule for yourself

I’m sure we’ve all heard this one. Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day so that way your body is used to it. It’s true, but not always the easiest thing to stick by. Especially with the busy lives we live nowadays. If you can manage to wake up at the same time most days of the week your body will be primed for sleep earlier so you’ll sleep better at night. You’ll also find yourself with more energy during the day and less groggy. Our bodies like consistency. And trust me when I tell you it is actually a lot easier to reset your biological clock by waking up on time instead of trying to go to sleep earlier when your body is not yet tired. 

Wake up with the sun

This ones easier for people who plan to wake up at the same time as sunrise. If you want to wake up before it is a little harder, but maybe you have the luxury of songbirds that like to sing early in the morning that might help with this. Regardless, try to sleep with your blinds open so the sun filtering into the room can serve as an extra cue that it is time to wake up.

Make going back to sleep unattractive

One way to help start a new habit is to make the opposite of it unattractive. For instance you could tell yourself that if you don’t get up early then you won’t allow yourself to add chocolate to your morning oatmeal or simply that you will miss the sunrise and you wouldn’t want to miss that. You can do this with all kinds of habits. Reward yourself for the proper behaviors and punish yourself for not following through. You can either add a punishment or take a reward away.

Take a shower first thing

If you plan to work out in the morning you might have to put this off a bit, but you can at least splash some cold water on your face to shake you from your sleepy stupor. Taking a hot or cold shower in the morning stimulates your senses and helps your body to wake up. It also increases blood flow. I like to start my showers off hot and then turn it to cold when I rinse off. This really wakes you up and it feels great.

Work out in the morning

Nothing wakes you up like working out in the morning. Going for a brisk walk, running, yoga, or lifting weights are all great ways to get the blood flowing and start the day off right. You’re also not very likely to fall back asleep while doing this or after your done. It actually stimulates your body, releases endorphins and gives you more energy for the rest of your day. Just make sure you warm up first before starting anything strenuous.

Set your intention the night before

The night before tell yourself what time you are going to wake up. Promise yourself you are planning wake up early at a set time. This will help you find willpower to wake up in the morning. After all you don’t want to break the promise you made to yourself do you?

Get an accountability partner

This can be used for all kinds of habits. Finding someone with common goals and times that you wake up will do wonders. You can call or text each other in the morning to make sure you both followed through and woke up. If you tell them what time you are gong to wake up you are more likely to follow through because if you don’t that would make you a liar and nobody wants that.

If you use these tips, you will set the habit of waking up early in no time. You won’t regret it and you will find yourself getting so much more done during the day. Waking up early is a crucial step to winning each and every day. Can you handle this challenge on your path towards excellence?


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