I will teach you to be rich

I will teach you to be rich

The book of the month for July is I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi.

I recently listened to a podcast where Ramit was talking about the new second edition to his book and there were tons of good pieces of information in the podcast. This got me excited to read the book.

Financial health is a part of excellence and therefore something we should strive for. If you are better with money it is so much easier to be excellent. Even if you don’t care about being rich you can still help others with your money, donate your money, pay for your child’s education, or even retire early.

I am not telling you that you need to go out and sell your soul to make more money. Just simply that you need to be at least smart with your purchases, have a budget, and do your best to not be living paycheck to paycheck like so many people do.

Having money gives you freedom. Freedom to do the things that truly matter to you.

One cool part about the book is that it has a six week course, that can be done quicker than that, which will help you to create a budget, savings plans, and even negotiate the rates you are paying for subscriptions.

What you can expect to learn about

  • Rich isn’t just about money
  • Optimize your credit cards
  • Beating the banks 
  • Investing 
  • Conscious spending
  • Automating your savings 
  • The myth of financial expertise
  •  Investing isn’t only for rich people 
  • How to maintain and grow your system
  • Living a rich life
  • And much much more

This book could quite literally change your life and I hope that you are as excited as I am to read it and go through the financial health course.

Pick up your copy soon so we can start reading it together come July 1st.

You can check out the authors website here as well as buy the book. https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/

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