Improve Your Journaling Skills: Review

Okay so I’ve talked about journaling in a few posts now. Well that’s just how important I think it is. I’ve already explained to you why I think journaling is important so at this point you’re either on board or you’re not. Here’s a quick overview of why you should utilize journaling.

  • Successful people all throughout history journal
  • It helps you remember ideas and important notes
  • It helps you reflect on both past and present
  • It organizes your life
  • It records important events that happened in your life
  • It cultivates gratitude
  • It makes your more creative
  • It let’s you express yourself
  • It allows you to spend less time thinking and more time doing
  • It helps solve problems
  • It lets you talk to yourself
  • It creates the framework for improvement


So hopefully you tried one of the styles of journaling I mentioned in my last post. Feel free to tweak any of these to make it more personal and work better for you. 

For example I like to write down how I am feeling, my weight, how much sleep I got, events that happened, expenses, and personal thoughts or ideas that pop into my head. 

Journaling helps me consolidate my mind and stop thinking about so damn much all the time. 

It is a priceless daily ritual for me and I hope it can be the same way for you. 

So grab your journal and get to writing. Once a day at the least. You’re mind and future self will thank you for it. 



Everyone should journal in their own way. Do what works for you and cut out anything that doesn’t. What matters is experimenting and finding out the benefits. If you don’t try you’ll never know if you like it or not.

Start journaling today.