learning a new language

Learn a new language

Learning a new language is hard, everyone knows this. 

But, a lot of people like to say that if you don’t learn a second language when you are young that you are stuck. That it is impossible for someone who is older to learn a new language. This simply is not true. 

Anyone can learn a new language they just have to put in the time and effort in order to do so.


How to get started learning a new language

First off you will need to decide which language to pick. It’s best to pick a language that you are interested in. Whether you just think the language is cool or know people who speak this language, creating a desire to learn the language is up to you.

For the purpose of this challenge you can even decide to stick to your primary language and just improve your mastery of it.

Now that you’ve picked the language you would like to learn you will need somewhere to start. There are tons of resources devoted to learning a new language from classes, and books to podcasts and youtube videos. I like to use the duolingo app to practice learning a new language personally. It is fun, challenging, and it also creates bite sized lessons that don’t take to much time so you can learn at your own pace. I have also taken classes and used books that have the translation right next to the text. Whatever you decide to use just make sure it works for you. 

Tips for learning a new language

  • Learning a new language is hard, try not to get frustrated. You will get better with time
  • Practice every day. 15 minutes is a nice amount of time because it’s short and keeps you from getting burnt out
  • If you don’t understand something look it up in the dictionary. Don’t let unknown words pass you by 
  • Write down everything you can remember after a lesson
  • Listen to how the language is spoken
  • Say the words out loud to yourself when learning
  • Make sure the lessons are challenging, but not too difficult for you
  • Practice speaking to other people who understand the language you are learning
  • Randomly use the language whenever you get the chance
  • Use multiple resources to learn get yourself familiar with a new language such as listening to language learning podcasts or watching tv in another language with subtitles on

As long as you are spending time gaining familiarity with a new language you are making progress. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but practice a little every day and you will be speaking a new language in no time. 

If you enjoyed this content don’t forget to like and subscribe. Comment down below what language you are planning to learn and share this with a friend so you can learn a new language together. That was you can practice together and communicate without others knowing what you’re saying. 🙂