Learn How to Learn

Aside from the normal monthly challenge and reading I felt like something was missing. It didn’t take long for me to realize what is was as this is something I am already actively working on in my life. And that is skill acquisition.

In our ever evolving world being skilled in a variety of different ways in easier and more important than ever. The world is at our fingertips online and the more skilled we become the easier and more fruitful our life becomes. That’s why I have decided to propose a third monthly step towards excellence.

There are plenty of free apps and websites out there that will help you to learn a new skill. Many skills can be learned in months while others, such as mastering playing the piano can take a lifetime. What skill you choose to work on and learn doesn’t matter. Just choose something you are either interested in or think would be useful in your life.

Don’t just use a skill you’re already working on either. Go for something new. For example I practice the piano and learning a new language already. These skills take a long time and countless hours. The skills or coursed I will propose are going to be shorter. Something you can learn in a month. You can then decide to keep the skill or scrap it.

May you first have the skill of learning

Ok, that heading might have been bad, but I’m keeping it regardless. For this months skill I am going to choose one that makes all other skills easier to learn. And that is Learning How To Learn. Yes, learning is a skill. Learning to learn will help with everything in your life as well as learning the new skills you choose in the future. So there’s no better skill to start with. I even already found a free course already. All you have to do is click on the link and start learning how to learn. I recommend  watching the videos on two times speed to get them done faster. You’ll get used to it, trust me. I have no affiliation to this site. But this is a great course and I think it will help you immensely.

Remember you can always choose your own skill to learn, but I highly recommend starting out with this one. I will review the main points at the end of the month.

Also, if you could subscribe, leave a like, and comment that would greatly help me and I appreciate it. Have a good day. May you always live your life in excellence.
