Make your bed: Review

Make Your Bed: Review

So for the month of August I have been making my bed every morning, before doing anything else. It seems quite simple a thing to do, and it really is. Why would I have a challenge to make your bed every morning? It doesn’t seem useful or life-changing, right?

While not every challenge has to be hard to complete, I am choosing challenges that I believe will be valuable both to me and to my readers. Sure making your bed requires minimal effort. Sure you’re just going to mess it up again at night when you sleep in it. That’s not the point. 

The point is to start the day off on the right foot. To make one small step towards a successful day and an excellent life. Making your bed accomplishes this. It gets you started towards completing your daily tasks for the day. When you start your day feeling accomplished it is easy to snowball this effect into other areas in your life. It also feels nice to have a cleaner room and makes you feel more organized.Plus you never know who might stop by and you wouldn’t want them seeing your dirty bed, would you?


While I did not find making my bed every day to be life changing, it only takes a minute so there’s really no harm. What I did enjoy was coming to bed and finding I did not have to do any rearranging with the blankets. They were already there ready for me to sleep in them. It’s a nice feeling not having to get into bed and then fidget with your blankets to get them in a comfortable position. 

Yes, it’s a little thing, but it’s something and you have to enjoy the little things right? It’s also nice knowing that no matter what else happened throughout the day that I had at least accomplished something. I made my bed. 

So I would recommend that you make your bed every morning, but it probably won’t change your life. It might though. 

Check out last month’s challenge, creating a smart budget here.

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