May Challenge

Ok, I’m done going easy on myself and anyone else out there participating in this challenge with me.

For the May challenge I want you to get up at  dawn and watch the sunrise. To figure out what time dawn is you can just ask google or look what time sunrise is and wake up 30 minutes before that. This will have you waking up early for sure. For me it is around 530 am.

This challenge will be hard, but it will come with many benefits. One, you will be able to watch the sunrise and behold the beauty this earth has to offer. Next, you will be setting for yourself a regular schedule that should help you to get a more natural sleep schedule. Another benefit is that you will have so much more time to get done your daily tasks early in the day when we are naturally most productive. You will be amazed how much you can accomplish when you wake up early.

I know there can be some challenges with your schedule for this. If you work graveyard for example. Try to watch sundown in that case or find some way to catch the sunrise. Whatever you choose I hope you can stick with this for the month and see the full benefits of waking up early to catch the sunrise! Good Luck!

Rise with the Sun Update

I’ve been doing this challenge for a week now. And let me tell you it’s been amazing for me so far. Not the waking up early part… that part is hard. And I will admit that I have missed a day (My alarm didn’t go off).

But, other days I have either driven to a great view to see the sunrise or I have walked around my neighborhood to find the best view.

My favorite part is the stillness. Most people aren’t awake yet, there’s no cars on the road, and my phone isn’t going off constantly.

You know who is awake though. The animals. They’re out and they’re loud. Birds chirping galore, ducks quacking, I’ve seen deer, turkeys, quail, doves, and other birds. I even had some geese fly right over my head.

It’s really an awesome experience and that’s before even seeing the sunrise. Which is beautiful and different every time by the way.

It’s also really easy to be productive. After waking up early on taking this time to myself to experience nature I feel energized. I find myself getting so much more done during the day. While having a sense of calmness as well.

I highly recommend you experience this for yourself, you won’t regret it. It’s time to move towards excellence and this is your call to action.

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Here’s some tips on how to wake up early.

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