My Extended Absence

As some of you may have noticed the site has been at a standstill the past few months and I haven’t been making any posts. First, of all I would like to apologize for this as I have dropped the ball and have not given this site the due diligence it deserves. Second, I would like to thank everyone that has continued to visit and support the site. I am going to rededicate my efforts to creating quality content for this site and I hope to make it better.

That being said I am going to make some changes. The monthly format of challenge, book, skill has become quite challenging for me and hasn’t gotten much interaction. I am going to continue challenging myself, reading books, and working on skills, but trying to do a new one of each has proven to be too much for me. Especially with everything else going on in life. The previous posts will still be available and you can continue doing the old challenges each month if you wish. They will still be valuable. If I do a challenge, read a book, or practice a new skill I will be sure to post about it, but not at the previous consistency or format.

This site will most likely be switching its format to more of a blog format. Where I will focus on assets of personal development and the pursuit of Sheer Excellence. The topics I will cover are challenges, books, life skills, social life, physical health, mental health, psychology, and philosophy.

I hope you will continue to support this site and I am welcome to any suggestions you might have. Feel free to email to get in touch with me.

I wish you all the best of luck in your pursuit of Sheer Excellence. I am determined to be right aside you along our journey.

Thank you,

Sheer Excellence