
Plan & Reflect On Your Day

For the skill in March we are going to work on planning our day at the beginning and reflecting on how everything went at the end of our day. I chose this as the skill to practice this month because it goes well with our challenge. To watch the sunrise and the sunset. Since we are already focusing on doing something towards the beginning and end of our day I thought it made perfect sense for the skill of the month to do the same.

Why it is important to plan and reflect on your day

What happens when we plan our day?

  • We set our intentions
  • We set our expectations
  • We set our goals
  • It energizes us
  • We don’t have to wonder what we should be doing next
  • It gives us a clear benchmark for how productive we were each day
  • It helps us to stay on track
Planning your day is important and ensures that we are moving towards our goals and making overall progress in life each day. You should try to plan everything from your time, to your goals, your breaks, your habits, and your free time. Make sure to write this down in your journal or planner each morning.
Why should we reflect on our day?

It lets us:

  • Rate our progress
  • Celebrate our successes
  • Learn from our mistakes
  • Make sure we are moving in the right direction
  • Ensure that we are staying on track
Reflecting on our day makes sure we making the most of each day and not letting important lessons or changes we should be making slip by us. It also helps us to generate a sense of appreciation for our hard work, inspires us to do better, and keeps the ball rolling for the next day.
Check back later for more information about planning and reflecting on your day!


My experience: My experience with this was kind of mixed. I generally try to journal and plan my days in the morning before the sunset so I didn’t change much as far as the planning went.

I did think that reflecting on my day while watching the sunset was beneficial. It’s hard to be negative and not be grateful for the things I was able to accomplish while watching a beautiful sunset. I think that reflecting and being in nature is something that is often overlooked in our modern world.

Difficulty: 5/10 – Planning and reflecting on your day do not take that much time and effort.

Effectiveness: 4/10 – In terms of how well this exercise helped us to practice planning & reflecting I found that it did not help develop the skill. It just served as a reminder to do it.

Impact: 6.5/10 – Planning and reflecting on your day should have a big impact on productivity and it helps to process what happened each day. Some people will find more benefit than others though.

Sustainability: 8/10 – Planning and reflecting on your day is quite sustainable. Doing it during sunrise and sunset is a different story.

Overall: 6/10 – Not the most important or beneficial skill to develop, but one that can help us greatly, especially for those with hectic lives.

Planning & reflecting on your day is a great time saver. If you like to watch the sunset as well I recommend combining these two activities for extra affect,


You can check out last month’s skill. Being open about your thoughts and feelings here.

Be open about your feelings