Principles For Success

Principles For Success: Review


Principles For Success is a book written by Ray Dalio. A hugely successful CEO and author among other things. He is regarded as being one of the most successful men in the world. This book is compiled of all of the principles he has learned throughout his life and serves as a guide of how to live a successful life. It covers how to follow your dreams, problem solve, become successful, and gives other useful principles for success. It also comes with a nice compilation of all of Ray’s principles at the end of the book as well as a planning your life exercise. This book was Ray’s way of giving back and helping the next generation. He states that this book is for his grandchildren and anyone else who might find in useful. It is available in novel form or in an illustrative picture book which is suitable for all ages.

The 5-step process to success.

The book lays out a 5-process to achieving your dreams.

1. Goals – Set your goals and strive towards them

2. Problems – Everyone faces challenges in life. You must overcome them and learn from your mistakes so that you are better able to face the next problem.

3. Diagnosis – Diagnose your problem, mistake, or problem so that you may learn from them and not repeat them. Recognize your weaknesses.

4. Design – Design a way to overcome your weaknesses or problems in order to keep moving forward towards your goals.

5. Do it – Keep utilizing these steps to overcome each obstacle and soon you will be soaring towards success.

Remember to surround yourself with people who can help you as they can see and do things that you can’t.

Most Important Principles

  • Think for yourself while being radically open-minded
  •  Knowing what is true is essential for making good decisions
  • Dreams + Reality + Determination = A successful life
  • Paint + Reflection = Progress
  • Don’t let your ego and blind spot barriers stand in your way
  • Understand that people are wired very differently – so it’s wise to see things through the eyes of smart people who see things differently than you
  • Be radically transparent and radically truthful
  • Evolve or die


This is a great book with many helpful tips and principles. I am convinced that this book will help many people to find success and to achieve their dreams. There are other principles, but you will have to reach about them for yourself. I read the picture book instead of the novel and I found that it had good illustrations that really helped to make the book easier to understand. I also really appreciate the life arc activity at the end and the review section. They give a good opportunity to reflect and to help us understand our own life better. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to find success in their life. Be it in whatever form they choose.

I hope you enjoyed reading this book I know I sure did. And if you haven’t read it yet I hope that this will convince you to pick it up. You won’t regret it I promise. Again thanks for reading and don’t forget to like and subscribe to my socials or the blog itself so you don’t miss anything.

Also I’m open to suggestions so let me know if there is anything you would like to see me cover or anything you think might improve the blog.

You can find a copy of Principles For Success by Ray Dalio Here and other info about the author here.

See last months book review about The Pomodoro Technique here.