No soda no sweets

September Challenge: Do not eat sweets or drink soda

If you’re like me then you have a massive sweet tooth. So this challenge is going to be very difficult for us. For this year I’ve had the challenge to lose weight and lower my body fat percentage. Most days this goes well and everything is according to plan. But, sometimes when I’m really craving sweets, I just lose control. Devouring everything sweet and full of sugar that I can find. I have done well with my diet and fat loss journey, but I can’t help but think that this is hampering my progress. And not only that, but I feel awful after gorging myself and almost always take a unnecessary nap afterwards.

That is where this challenge comes in.

The Challenge: Don't eat sweets or drink soda for the month of September.

I would argue that this is the most difficult challenge so far. It will be for me at least. 

I expect to fail this challenge on multiple days, but that’s no excuse to not try. I am going to do my best to not eat sweets or drink soda for the whole month of September. I am committed and I will tell you when I fail. For example today I ate some squincher powder, which is basically gatorade. It has sugar in it. Does this count as failing already? I hope not. 

The challenge or challenges is simple. Refrain from eating any kind of sweets, candy, cakes, chocolate, icecream, etc. for the whole month. If you already don’t eat sweets or want to try something else you can also choose to refrain from drinking soda, sweetened drinks, and juice for a month. I am going to do both. 

As a caveat drinking unsweetened tea, coffee, or gatorade (if necessary) is allowed. For the sweets challenge I will say that eating fruit is allowed even though it has a lot of sugar. Be careful though. Do not use these things as substitutes for the sweets and soda you would normally eat or drink. Because then you are just substituting and missing the point of the whole challenge. To get healthier while simultaneously working on discipline. 

I appologize if this challenge takes joy out of your life, but I would challenge you to find other methods of finding joy than food or drink. If nothing else it might reset your dopamine receptors to make you find more joy in other areas more easily. And when you come back to enjoying these sweets after the month is over you will find that you either enjoy them all the more or that you don’t need to partake of them at all. Hopefully when you come back to them it is in moderation and healthy amounts though. 

Benefits of not eating sweets or drinking soda

There are many benefits of cutting out sweets and soda from your diet. Such as reduction of calories which results in weight loss and cutting out sugar which can lead to many health problems. 

Benefits of cutting out sweets and soda:

  • Lower blood pressure 
  • Lower heart attack risk
  • Lower risk of many, many diseases 
  • You’ll have more energy. (Ya that’s right)
  • Reduces brain fog 
  • May lower risk of depression
  • Resets Dopamine receptors
  • Resets Insulin resistance
  • Healthier skin
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces breakouts 
  • Healthier teeth 
  • And overall greater health 

As you can see the benefits to cutting out sugar from your diet are vast. This challenge with be difficult, but it is worth it. 

Join me in cutting out sugar and soda from our lives for the month of September. 

I expect there to be hiccups in this challenge. It’s okay if you give in a little and have some sweets. Do your best to resist though. And if you do end up consuming sweets or soda try and keep it to a minimum. Then get right back on track the next day. 

You can do this. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, even though you might not like the challenge. Please like, comment, subscribe, and share this with your friends so they can do the challenge along with you. Good luck!

You can see last month’s challenge here.