
September Challenge / Skill Review

Just the fact that I am completing this post so much after September should give you a clue about how I did with this challenge and skill.

Challenge / Skill Overview

The challenge for this month was to not eat candy or sweets and not to drink soda. I did pretty good on the part where I was supposed to not drink soda. I don’t think I drank a single soda at all in September.

On the other hand I had a difficult time not eating candy or sweets. This has been an ongoing battle for me for awhile. I do pretty well if there’s no candy or sweets around because I just won’t buy it. But, if someone leaves cookies or jelly beans on the table I can help, but grab one or 10 every time I walk by. I probably didn’t eat sweets for about 20 days in September, maybe a little less. The rest of the days I ate candy and not just a little. Once the flood gates are open it’s on and I made up for all the sweets I did not eat the other 20 days of September. I would say I failed the September challenge of not eating sweets.

The skill for September was to do the most important / most unpleasant task for the day first thing in the morning. I just simply did not do this. I had work early and I never had a super important or unpleasant task to tackle. And if I did, I just didn’t do it before work because I never woke up early enough. This was a fail as well and I would have needed to think out a more specific task to tackle first thing in the morning. The skill just didn’t work and I need to rethink a new way to practice discipline.


The challenge was hard. So hard that I did not complete it. I was fine not drinking soda, but I failed and ate sweets multiple times. If you are better than me and fulfilled this challenge then I commend you. I will have to try again sometime, but quitting sweets just might be out of the realm of possibility for me as a person. ( I could quit if I desperately needed to, but I’d rather not torture myself) I would hypothesize that I would have lost weight, felt more energy, enjoyed other foods more, and no longer be craving sweets, but I didn’t follow through so I don’t actually know what would have happened. Feel free to comment what effects you noticed if you did the challenge.

Discipline is a good skill to practice, but my method for trying to practice discipline did not work, at least not in my instance. I will have to rethink things and find a new way to practice the skill of discipline. I am convinced that discipline is a super important virtue and one that I definitely need to work on.

Thanks for checking out the post. I apologize for posting it so late and for failing at my own challenges. Quite obviously I lack discipline and it shows.

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Check out the challenge for August here