Sheer Advice

While you might be hesitant asking someone else for advice, I challenge you on this. Asking for advice or help is not something to be ashamed of. Everyone needs some help every now and then. Plus I don’t know you, you don’t know me, you don’t have to follow any advice you get, and best of all it is absolutely free! I will use my knowledge and expertise as well as do research to best answer any questions or advice you might be looking for. I have access to large scholarly journal databases and I will utilize this to find the best possible information for you. I promise to do my best to provide you absolutely objective advice that is direct and tells you exactly what I view is the best course of action. I offer you Sheer Advice. It is up to you to utilize it and to make use of it. As a disclaimer I am not liable for anything that should happen as a result of the advice.