
Should I Do Cardio?

The short answer to this is YES.

Why wouldn’t you want to train your heart and your body to be healthy and work better?

Not only will cardio help you to be healthier and make life tasks easier, but it will also make you look better too!

For the challenge in May we are going to do some cardio. Every day.

The challenge

The challenge for this month is to do cardio. We are going to do 30 minutes minimum of cardio every day. Regardless of what you already do daily, add 30 minutes of cardio to that list. If you already do 30 minutes of cardio, great this should be easy for you. Just make sure to do it every single day.

It’s almost summertime and that means its time for summer activities and getting our summer bodies ready!

It doesn’t matter what kind of cardio you do, just get your heart rate up and exercise for 30 minutes.

Some examples are brisk walking (take your dog), running, biking, swimming, HIIT, hiking, calisthenics, jumping jacks, or even dancing. Just do what you enjoy and what makes the time pass by for you the best. We don’t want to make this something we dread doing everyday. Yes everyday, no taking days off!

So let’s get those summer bodies and be happy and healthy while were doing it.


  • 30 minutes of cardio
  • Every single day this month
  • Do something you enjoy

I hope you enjoy this challenge and that it makes you happier and healthier.

See you this summer everyone. We’ll be ready to show off those summer bodies in no time. BD


I will be honest with you. Like many people I used to hate cardio. I didn’t like running in school or for sports. It was always miserable. Now though, I have learned to like (some) cardio. I like to go on walks and find them refreshing. I also go through times when I like running for 1-6 mile distances. Once you get through the initial pain, your lungs open up, your head clears and you feel good while running and afterwards you feel even be. I always feel clear, light, and happy after a good run. 

Another thing I noticed is that the more you do cardio, the easier it gets. Now while at work doing tasks that leave other people tired and out of breath don’t even break a sweat for me. I have more energy and can handle more than many others can. 

Lately, since it’s so hot I have been doing incline treadmill for about 30 minutes and watching an episode of a show. The time flies by when I’m distracted!

I believe that everyone should do some form of cardio to keep the heart, body, and mind healthy. 

Difficulty: 5/10 – It should not be difficult for the average person to find 30 minutes a day to get a little physical exercise. If you really need to, you can get up 30 minutes earlier. I promise you won’t miss the sleep if you use it for exercise!

 Effectiveness: 10/10 –  Doing cardio is completely effective when it comes to getting in better physical shape.

Impact: 8/10 – A bit of cardio every day will change your energy levels, sleep, mood, and health in positive ways. 

Sustainability: 9/10 – While there are some instances where you can’t do 30 minutes of cardio every day. It is completely feasible to do light cardio most days for the rest of your life.

Overall: 8.5/10 – Adding a bit of cardio into your life everyday will have enormous benefits for those who are not currently getting any physical exercise. I hope you will continue this practice of daily cardio even after the challenge.  

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. I would greatly appreciate it if you would subscribe and leave me some feedback. Have an excellent day!







Check out last months challenge below

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