
Sober October / Squatober Review

Sober October

First I’ll talk about Sober October. This challenge was not created by me, but by Joe Rogan I believe. It is something he participates in and I decided to do it too. For Sober October I did not only abstain from alcohol for a month, but I also did not use any drugs or nicotine products either. The only drug you could say that I still used was caffeine. I wasn’t about to stop drinking coffee on top of everything else for a whole month.

I thought Sober October went great. It was nice to not have to rely on substances in order to have fun or relieve stress like lots of people normally do. I will say that it was hard in the sense that I felt a bit irritable at times and really felt stress when I couldn’t use substances to make it go away, but this is healthy. I did not find it that hard to actually abstain from using substances. I simply just did not buy them or I refused them when offered because I was determined to go the whole month sober. Some benefits I noticed were that I was saving money, saving time (buying or using the substances), that I felt healthier and better overall (hangovers suck), and that other people were very proud of me for not using substances for the whole month. The only real downside was feeling a bit more stressed and irritable at times, but it was manageable. I will admit that I went back to drinking after the month, but I immediately noticed how it made me feel bad and that it wasn’t that great to start out with. I have since drastically cut down on the amount of alcohol and other substances I take part in. ( I say other substances just to keep from admitting that I either do them or don’t)

Sober October was a great success and I will definitely do it again. And you should too!



Squatober is a global effort to squat during October. I am not sure who pioneered it, but there are many people on board trying to get healthy and improve their squat. The resource I used for squat workouts was penandpaperstrengthapp on instagram. He gave out daily workouts which all involved squats for the whole month. It was great to use because it included other workouts than just squats and used a wide range of weights, reps, and set ranges. There were some other programs that just prescribed increasing amounts of body squats, but I am more interested in lifting heavy personally.

I really enjoyed squatober and even though I was sore at times I found great benefit in it. The workouts were long and included 30 minutes of walking daily, but this is all great and drastically improves your fitness level. I love squatober and I will continue doing it year after year and I hope you will too!

There were countless accounts from people that not only did squatober help people get stronger, lose weight, and get in shape, but it also helped people to quit smoking, quit using drugs, quit drinking, get rid of depression, and many other awesome things!

If you enjoyed these challenges and want to try more please let me know in the comment section, like the post, subscribe to my blog, and share it with your friends. I would greatly appreciate it and it would help me out a lot! Thanks for reading.

You can see last months challenge review here

Also, here is the resource I got the workouts from squatober from