
Success: An Inspirational Quote

"Success is Not Final, Failure is Not Fatal: It is the Courage to Continue that Counts." - Winston Churchill

This quote is true. One is never truly done growing as a person. There is always more you can accomplish and more people you can help. Even when you get towards the end of your life there are still people out there you can mentor and guide towards wellness. Besides success is subjective. If you want to be a successful baker, CEO, or a successful father. Success is in the eye of the beholder.

The Next point is that failure is not final. Everyone, and I mean everyone has gone through their own failures. Even the most successful people on the planet have failed in their lives in one form or another. The important thing is to see your failure as a stepping stone or an obstacle to be overcome. Learn from it. This will make you grow.

The last point is that it is the courage to continue that counts. If we’ve all heard the saying if you fall of the horse to get back on. Or even the quote that you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. The trick is to not give up and to face your challenges. It takes courage and it takes grit, but nothing worthwhile is easy. Those who have the guts to keep on pressing forward, to not shy in the face of adversity, those are the people that will find true success. As I know you will find your own success.

Check out my previous post about the benefits of using a daily planner to help you plan out your success.

Find more inspirational quotes here.