How To Leave Bad Habits Behind

Challenge: Quit your bad habits Hello everybody, I’m back yes I know it’s been awhile. Sorry about that. But it’s a new month and a new year so I decided to leave my bad habit of not working on and updating this site behind me. That being said, the challenge for January 2022 is to … Read moreHow To Leave Bad Habits Behind

How To Get Better Sleep

For the month of September the challenge is to get better sleep.  If you’re like many people you probably have trouble sleeping or you never feel like you get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is a common problem. Whether it’s due to work, school, kids, or even unhealthy habits, people just aren’t sleeping as well as … Read moreHow To Get Better Sleep

How To Stay Cool: Don’t Lose Your Temper

July Challenge: Stay Cool I don’t know where you live, but where I live it has been extremely hot. It has been over 100 degrees Fahrenheit for weeks now. So, I thought a challenge about keeping cool would be perfect!  And no I don’t just mean blasting the AC or going swimming to stay cool. … Read moreHow To Stay Cool: Don’t Lose Your Temper

Plan & Reflect On Your Day


For the skill in March we are going to work on planning our day at the beginning and reflecting on how everything went at the end of our day. I chose this as the skill to practice this month because it goes well with our challenge. To watch the sunrise and the sunset. Since we … Read morePlan & Reflect On Your Day

The Miracle Morning Challenge

The Miracle Morning

Overview For the month of January 2021 the challenge was to do The Miracle Morning every morning. We have read about this book and I have a review of it and everything so I won’t go into too much detail here. To put it shortly, every morning before 8am you are tasked to practice these … Read moreThe Miracle Morning Challenge