Schedule Your Life

Example routine

Sometimes when our normal routine of going to work or whatever we normally have scheduled every day gets disrupted it messes up our whole day. I have talked to a lot of people who are currently experiencing this due to the corona virus and quarantines a lot of people have found ourselves in. It is … Read moreSchedule Your Life

Principles For Success

Principles For Success

By Ray Dalio The book I chose for this months reading is Principles For Success by Ray Dalio. Ray Dalio is an American Billionaire, hedge fund manager, and philanthropist. This book is written by a hugely successful man who wanted to give back to future generations by sharing all of the principles for success he … Read morePrinciples For Success

April Challenge

Beautiful Run spot

The challenge for this month is to get outside, get some exercise and get some sunlight! Seriously. I’ve been talking to people and seeing it online. They are stuck at home going stir crazy. They have no energy, they don’t feel well, and all they do is worry.. You need to get out of the … Read moreApril Challenge

Why you shouldn’t complain

For this month the challenge was to stay positive, see the bright side of things, and to not complain. I know this is a hard task in a time like this. Lots and lots of people are suffering, lots of us are quarantined, and others still have to go to work in these dangerous times. … Read moreWhy you shouldn’t complain

The Pomodoro Technique

Time management is something everyone struggles with from time to time. It is so easy to get distracted nowadays with all of our electronics and other sources of distraction. But, to live a life full of excellence we must do our best to limit distractions and optimize productivity. If not only to get our work … Read moreThe Pomodoro Technique

February Challenge

February is the month of love so for this months challenge I am going to compliment someone different every day! And not online, do it in person if you can. When you give them a compliment make sure you’re genuine and if you’re feeling confident enough don’t just say something like “hey nice shirt” in … Read moreFebruary Challenge


The book I read this month is Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. A private journal from the greatest Roman empire. A stoic. I enjoyed the book a lot. It’s main points were: 1. Live by the four Cardinal virtues wisdom, morality, courage, and moderation. 2. Do not worry of things you have no or full control … Read moreMeditations