How To Leave Bad Habits Behind

Challenge: Quit your bad habits Hello everybody, I’m back yes I know it’s been awhile. Sorry about that. But it’s a new month and a new year so I decided to leave my bad habit of not working on and updating this site behind me. That being said, the challenge for January 2022 is to … Read moreHow To Leave Bad Habits Behind

Make Your Bed: Review

Make your bed: Review

So for the month of August I have been making my bed every morning, before doing anything else. It seems quite simple a thing to do, and it really is. Why would I have a challenge to make your bed every morning? It doesn’t seem useful or life-changing, right? While not every challenge has to … Read moreMake Your Bed: Review

Improve your journaling skills


The practice of journaling is vastly important. Journaling helps us stay on track, remember things, practice gratitude, organize ourselves, keep notes, express our feelings, get thought & ideas out of our heads and much more. Many of the world’s most successful and influential of people practice journaling. People have been journaling for a long, long … Read moreImprove your journaling skills