How To Leave Bad Habits Behind

Challenge: Quit your bad habits Hello everybody, I’m back yes I know it’s been awhile. Sorry about that. But it’s a new month and a new year so I decided to leave my bad habit of not working on and updating this site behind me. That being said, the challenge for January 2022 is to … Read moreHow To Leave Bad Habits Behind

Learn How to Learn

Aside from the normal monthly challenge and reading I felt like something was missing. It didn’t take long for me to realize what is was as this is something I am already actively working on in my life. And that is skill acquisition. In our ever evolving world being skilled in a variety of different … Read moreLearn How to Learn

Principles For Success: Review

Principles For Success

Summary Principles For Success is a book written by Ray Dalio. A hugely successful CEO and author among other things. He is regarded as being one of the most successful men in the world. This book is compiled of all of the principles he has learned throughout his life and serves as a guide of … Read morePrinciples For Success: Review

Success: An Inspirational Quote


One is never truly done growing as a person. There is always more you can accomplish and more people you can help. Even when you get towards the end of your life there are still people out there you can mentor and guide towards wellness. Besides success is subjective. If you want to be a successful baker, CEO, or a successful father. Success is in the eye of the beholder.

15 Benefits of Using a Daily Planner

Daily Planner

You’ll boost your productivity One of the most profound effects you will notice from using a daily planner is that you will increase your productivity by a lot. And better yet you’ll be doing more work without even feeling like it. Having a structured day helps us to stay on task and spend less time … Read more15 Benefits of Using a Daily Planner

Schedule Your Life

Example routine

Sometimes when our normal routine of going to work or whatever we normally have scheduled every day gets disrupted it messes up our whole day. I have talked to a lot of people who are currently experiencing this due to the corona virus and quarantines a lot of people have found ourselves in. It is … Read moreSchedule Your Life

April Challenge

Beautiful Run spot

The challenge for this month is to get outside, get some exercise and get some sunlight! Seriously. I’ve been talking to people and seeing it online. They are stuck at home going stir crazy. They have no energy, they don’t feel well, and all they do is worry.. You need to get out of the … Read moreApril Challenge

Why you shouldn’t complain

For this month the challenge was to stay positive, see the bright side of things, and to not complain. I know this is a hard task in a time like this. Lots and lots of people are suffering, lots of us are quarantined, and others still have to go to work in these dangerous times. … Read moreWhy you shouldn’t complain


The book I read this month is Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. A private journal from the greatest Roman empire. A stoic. I enjoyed the book a lot. It’s main points were: 1. Live by the four Cardinal virtues wisdom, morality, courage, and moderation. 2. Do not worry of things you have no or full control … Read moreMeditations