Be open about your feelings


The skill we are going to work on for February 2021 is being more open, expressing, and talking about our feelings. This goes hand in hand with the challenge for this month, expressing your love. These are separate things though. Being open about our feelings and talking about them more is not the same thing … Read moreBe open about your feelings

September Challenge / Skill Review


Just the fact that I am completing this post so much after September should give you a clue about how I did with this challenge and skill. Challenge / Skill Overview The challenge for this month was to not eat candy or sweets and not to drink soda. I did pretty good on the part … Read moreSeptember Challenge / Skill Review

Is meditation for you?

Should I meditate?

Are you someone that thinks meditation is dumb? That it is a waste of time?  If you’re like me you probably know scores of people who are totally closed off to the idea of meditation. They say things like:  Meditation doesn’t work It’s for hippies or yoga weirdos I don’t need to meditate  It’s dumb … Read moreIs meditation for you?

How to get started meditating

Meditation Gnome

What is meditation? To put it simply meditation is a practice of the mind. You meditate to help your perception and awareness of both things inside and outside your body. There are many different ways to meditate, but basically to meditate you pay attention to your body, feelings, and thoughts. This can help you to … Read moreHow to get started meditating