The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning Challenge


For the month of January 2021 the challenge was to do The Miracle Morning every morning. We have read about this book and I have a review of it and everything so I won’t go into too much detail here. To put it shortly, every morning before 8am you are tasked to practice these 6 habits: Silence, Affirmations, Visualizations, Exercise, Readings, and Scribing. You can read more about how to do all of these in either the challenge post or the book reading post for this topic.


The Miracle Morning is a lot more than a one month challenge. The book has a very large following and people all over the world practice The Miracle Morning. There are many versions of the book for different people such as one for writers or entrepreneurs and a sequel called The Miracle Equation. They recently came out with a movie about this book and the immense following it has garnered.  The Miracle Morning has changed the lives of many people.

This challenge and this morning habit is big. It takes a lot of time to do it the way you should. It takes an hour for the standard miracle morning. In the book it talks about how you can do it in 5 minutes, but that is the bare minimum which will give you bare minimum results. The book also talks about how to get inspired and wake up earlier. This is helpful because you really are going to have to wake up earlier than you currently are in able to incorporate all of these practices. That being said, The Miracle Morning can and should change your life. By doing all of these habits first thing in the morning you are setting yourself up for success. You are taking care of your mind, body, and spirit. You are learning, improving, getting in better shape, setting your goals, boosting your self-esteem, and inspiring yourself every day.

If you can find the time and the willpower to practice The Miracle Morning, you should. You should at least try it and see how you feel about yourself and your life after doing it. It can get you excited about moving forward and accomplishing things each day, even if it’s only a little, it’s something.

You just need to be careful not to let it get in the way of the other things you need to accomplish each day. Yes, it is important, but you can’t be sacrificing your responsibilities that are of high importance each day in order to complete The Miracle Morning. This is a trap I have seen myself fall into sometimes. 

I think that absolutely everyone should try The Miracle Morning at least for a month. If it’s not for you then that’s fine. But, it can have profound life changing benefits and help us to become the best version of ourselves. If you want to become the best version of yourself you should try The Miracle Morning tomorrow!

I would rate this challenge a 10/10 in importance and benefit to it’s users.

This is a must try in my book.


My experience

My experience with The Miracle Morning has some history. I started doing it years ago off and on. I found that when I am doing it I feel happier and more fulfilled in my life. I feel like I am making some sort of progress, even if just a little at a time.

This month was no different I was happy when I got the challenges done and disappointed in myself when I either did not wake up early enough to do The Miracle Morning before 8am or didn’t do the SAVERS at all. My biggest problem has been waking up early. One that I need to keep working on, but that I have gotten better at. I will stress that you really need to get up extra early to do this. Otherwise you will just be getting a later start on your regular day to day activities and it could set you back.

Overall this challenge was a success and one that I will continue to do throughout my life. I am hoping to start every day with the SAVERS and see where it takes me. I am sure it will bring me to greater and greater heights the longer I do it. 

I hope you participated in this challenge and I hope you enjoyed it!

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You can check out the original post of January 2021 challenges here.

My review on The Miracle Morning book can be found here