The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning: Review

The Miracle Morning is something I have noticed I am always practicing when life is going well. The problem is whenever life is not going well for me either I am not doing TMM or I stop doing it because I am feeling overwhelmed. So either doing it makes my life better or I only do it while life is good. Either way TMM is worth and is very beneficial for your life. 


The Miracle Morning consists of 6 daily practices that you are supposed to do first thing every morning in order to make consistent positive change in your life as well as to make you feel great and accomplished every day. These practices are derived from some of the most successful people in the world and contrived to make up the best daily practices possible. 

The Miracle Morning is meant to transform your life and if you stick with it there’s no question that it will. 

To put things simply here are the practices you should do every morning. Preferably before 8am. 

  1. Silence: Wake up and meditate, practice breathing deeply, or just sit and be present. This helps us to clear our mind, be present, and puts us in a stable mental state to start the day.Recommended time: 10m. 
  2. Affirmation: Tell yourself positive affirmations about yourself or what you want to become. Say these either out loud or in your head. Ex. I am great, I am patient, I do my best every day, I am dedicated to improving my work performance, etc.This helps us to be positive and makes the things we say more likely to become true. Recommended time: 5m
  3. Visualization: Visualize the life you want, what you want to accomplish, life goals in the long term, short term achievements, and the things you must do every day to accomplish them. This helps us to be thinking about the things we need to do and to realize what we are working towards. Recommended time: 5m
  4.  Exercise: Use whatever type of exercise you prefer each day. Get the blood flowing and break a sweat. You can run, lift weights, stretch, or do yoga. This gets the blood flowing, improves ability to think clearly and learn, boosts energy, and helps us be healthier individuals. Recommended time: 5m – 1hr. I prefer to do this step last. 
  5. Reading: Read something. Preferably a self-help or knowledge based book. This gets the brain working and helps us to learn a bit each day. Recommended time: 10 – 20m. You can also decide on a number of pages to read each day if you want. 
  6. Scribing: Scribing is just another word for writing. For this it’s best to write in a journal, in whatever form you like. I prefer to write down my daily goals, how I’m feeling, and what I’m grateful for each day. This helps to get us thinking about the things we need to do each day, keeps track of events and feelings that happen, help us to feel grateful, and lets us keep track of our day in order to improve. Recommended time: 5-10m
Doing all of these things to start your morning is a sure fire way to start the day right and make sure you are making some progress each day. If you do this I guarantee will see improvements in your life. 


I understand that for some people it might be difficult for some people to find time to do this. That is why I recommend you wake up earlier or make some necessary sacrifices in your life in order to focus on yourself. The benefits will definitely outweigh the time costs.


I’ll keep this short. As you can already tell I think that The Miracle Morning is one of the best self-improvement books out there and the practices it teaches you are essential for living your best life. Give this a try, if only for a month and you will see many benefits in your life.

I recommend TMM to anyone who wants to improve their life. Outside of self-improvement just the emotional and mental benefits you will receive are worth it in themselves.

If you want to check out TMM for yourself here’s the link: 


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