The Miracle Morning

The Morning Miracle

The book we are going to read for August is The Morning Miracle by Hal Elrod. 

As far as I can remember this is one of the first self-improvement books I ever read. This book may be responsible for the positive changes I made in my life, increasing my interest in self-improvement, and without it I might not even be writing this blog post right now. 

This is one of the most important self-improvement books out there and it is not talked about enough in my opinion. By adapting the habits in this book you will be on a sure fire path to improving your life in many areas. 

What it's about

The Miracle Morning is about just what it sounds like. It’s about formatting your morning in a way that leads to success. The changes seem small or insignificant at the time, but over time they compound and before you know it a miracle transformation has happened in your life. 

The book looks at the common morning rituals between the most successful people in the world. It then lays out what to do every morning when you first wake up in order to see drastic improvements in your life. 

The book uses the easy to remember acronym SAVERS to outline how to start your day off right. 

What SAVERS stands for

  • Silence – Either meditation or just sitting silently in reflection
  • Affirmations – Repeating to yourself positive qualities either that you are or hope to become
  • Visualizations – Visualizing what you want your day and life to be like
  • Exercise – Getting your blood flowing and exercising with your preferred method
  • Reading – Reading some every day, preferably non-fiction
  • Scribing – Writing, whether through journaling, gratitude, or whatever you feel like. As long as it’s putting your thoughts down

You can do these things for just 5 minutes a day if you’re short on time or preferably longer if you have the time. The book recommends using an hour first thing in the morning. Before 8 am. 

This could be meditating for 5 minutes, doing affirmations and visualizations for 5 minutes each, exercising for 20 minutes, reading for 20 minutes, and then journaling for 5 minutes.

This will get your day started on the right foot and will reap big benefits over the long term. Read the book for more info on The Miracle Morning and give it a try yourself!

If you liked this post don’t forget to comment, share, subscribe, and like it. Now get to reading and starting your mornings off right. 🙂 

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