“The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.”

This is a quote by Marcus Aurelius. If you don’t know who he is, Marcus Aurelius was once of the most powerful men ever in history. He was the emperor of Rome at the height of it’s power. What makes him so special is that by all accounts he was a great man and a great leader. Uncorrupted by his considerable power.

Let’s break down this quote to see what it means.

"The universe is change"

The universe and even the planet earth have been around for a very long time. No matter what your beliefs are about their age, this holds true. There’s not a single second that is the same as the second before it. The universe is constantly changing. A leaf changes position, water evaporates, organisms die and are born, and you’re one second older.

There is no stopping it. The incessant flow of time and change is undefeated.

"Our life is what our thoughts make it"

If you think you are happy, then you are happy simple as that. No one can take your thoughts away from you. They can beat you, take everything you own, and throw you in prison, but they can’t take your thoughts away. And if you decide that you are going to be happy no matter your lot in life then you are happy. It’s as simple as that.

We create our life and our reality through our thoughts. Control your mind and you will control your world.


So what does this really mean?

This means that you can’t control everything that happens in the world. Some things are out of our control. The universe is always changing. What matters is how to adapt and react to the changes that take place in our life. 

We control how we feel about everything. Nobody can make us feel anything we don’t want to feel. If we lose everything we’ve ever owned in some unforeseen event it’s up to us to respond in the appropriate way. Look at your changes and challenges as just a new obstacle to be overcome. 

Face your problems.

Face your life. 

And control your thoughts and perceptions. 

Because no one can take that away from you and only you have the ability to change them. 

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