Update on the Author

Oops I did it again?

My apologies once more to anyone hoping for new updates to the site… I haven’t been updating this in awhile and I definitely should be putting more effort in and allocating the time for at least one post a week.


Since I can’t change the past and only have control of the present, while planning for the future. I am going to try and update this site once a week and post something new. We will see though as I have plans for starting a new site that has to do with my profession.

Okay about my profession, I will let you know some updates on my life and what’s been going on. Here I will list more about personal life, what is going well, and what isn’t going well in my life. I am hoping this can set an example of how to take a personal inventory and taking accountability in ones life.

What's going on in the Author's life

  • I recently graduated with my Masters of Science degree in Marriage and Family Therapy
  • I have started my career at an organization providing therapy
  • I am in the process of opening a new office in a different town and possibly working for a different agency
  • I just purchased a new (to me) vehicle
  • I am in the process of changing my residence
  • I still have many other responsibilities in my personal life that eat up a bunch of my time
As you can see I have a lot of moving parts in my life right now. This means it is all the more important for me to stay on a routine and practice daily habits to keep myself in check so that I can continue to do the things that matter to me. Like working on this site.

What I am doing well

  • I am still exercising
  • I am making forward progress in my career
  • I am taking steps to grow my reputation as a therapist so I can help more people
  • Mentally and emotionally I am healthy and feel well
  • I am managing my self-care well
  • I have not done chewing tobacco in two months

What I am doing poorly

I am going to be as honest as possible with this list, whether these things might be difficult to talk about or not. I appreciate your understanding and non judgement when reading this. These are all things I want to change about my life.

  • I have not been writing or working on this site
  • I have been lazy at work and have not been preparing as well as I could be
  • I have not been journaling consistently
  • My workout routine, diet, and physique is not where I want it to be
  • I have not been practicing skills I would like to improve in
  • I have had a poor sleep schedule / been sleeping in longer than I want to
  • I have been spending too much money
  • I have been drinking too much alcohol
  • I have been watching porn
  • I have been eating too much sweets
  • I have been wasting too much time
  • I have been undisciplined in my life

What's next?

As you can see many of my issues resolve from a lack of discipline. So my next post will be about discipline and I really hope to have it up next week. This site deserves more and it’s time I dig in and get things done.

Have a great week everybody!